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Everything posted by Sammy_2496

  1. Get documentation from your doctor going over your mental health history and stating that you are not a threat/risk of harm to yourself or others. You’re only inadmissible IF you are currently a risk or if the harmful behavior is very likely to return.
  2. Completely depends, especially on how backlogged the consulate in your country is. Generally 18-24 months from start to finish.
  3. Consular process is the path for you!
  4. Your answers are confusing.... If they are second cousins, then that was not the reason for the denial....
  5. You're already showing that you intend to commit immigration fraud. US immigration is no joke, do not do it lie at the border.... Apply for a spouse visa.
  6. You are only inadmissible based on the following; - Current harmful behavior to yourself or others - Past harmful behavior towards yourself or others that is likely to happen again Take a letter from your doctor and/or therapist detailing that you are not a risk of harm to yourself or others... that will help! I would not worry Anxiety on it's own does not make you inadmissible, good luck with the rest of the process
  7. You will automatically get the IR1 since you have been married for over two years.
  8. -As a couple, K1 and CR1 are the only options as far as im aware - She cannot come into the US with the intention of adjusting status, that is fraud and you don't want to mess with that - The processing times are similar, yes... CR1 has way more benefits - She can travel to the US while the K1/CR1 is pending... but as always, she is at the discretion of CBP - She can stay in the US for as long as CBP says she can (check I-94 or passport stamp)
  9. Since you are already married, you cant get a K1 visa. You need to apply for a CR1 visa
  10. You could stay out of the US for the rest of your life and you will still be a citizen!
  11. The CR1 is the better option as it has way more benefits to it than a K1. In the end it is your decision and you do what is best for you
  12. They will be out of status and at risk of deportation. It is not worth the risk, file AOS before the 90 days.
  13. You will be fine 🙂! Now you don’t have to apply for removal of conditions!
  14. When a couple does the consular processing route, USCIS understands that most couples wont have many financial co-minglings. What you have for proof is great and you made the right decision going with the CR1! Good luck and congratulations!
  15. Your travel plans will raise suspicions with CBP… so i would for sure prepare for you to be denied entry on one of these trips. It is not worth the risk at all, especially if it’s to see family. Develop a more normal and less suspicious travel plan.
  16. If you still want her to live in the USA, best to apply for CR1 spouse visa and visit their country until that process is over.
  17. The chances of getting a B visa in this case are zero
  18. This is immigration fraud, don’t do it! Continue with the K1 or withdraw the application, get married and file for CR1.
  19. Dont send any unsolicited evidence. Gather as much bonefide marriage evidence as you can (everything that happens after submitting the I-130 petition) and take that evidence to the interview . The only time you would send extra evidence before approval/interview, is if they send an RFE.
  20. Here is a link! https://www.utahcounty.gov/dept/clerk/marriage/onlinemarriage.html Just know that you must show proof you met in person after the marriage takes place before filing for the spouse visa!
  21. The chances of you getting that B2 was always 0 because of the overstay. You cannot do anything except wait until 2032 and see what happens then. Im happy you were honest though, a life time ban would have been way worse than 10 years. The only thing i can honestly think of is a waiver IF you were married to a USC. Good luck with everything
  22. Because of her overstay, it will likely cause issues and she may be banned from the UK in worst case scenario. It would be better for her to marry you in the US or do Utah Online Marriage.
  23. Let her go home. It’s not worth it if she is have a damaging effect on your marriage and mental health. She could try getting a B2 visa later down the line, or you can visit her.
  24. K1 is completely voided now that you are married. Carry on as you are and congratulations on getting married 😄
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