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  1. Here is what I did. I responded to the mail thread she sent to the feds with a detailed timeline of events along with screenshots of her mails and other receipts leading up to her accusations of fraud. Also left snippets of explanations on each paragraph.. I several mails 10+ on there where she was begging me to take her back and apologizing that she didn’t love the other guy that it was a “wet match”. I also have a mail on where she offered me money in exchange for Peace. Which I turned down of course. In her words (in the spirit of forgiveness” and following with the threat and insult mails. Where She wished I and my wife will never bear kids and she prays that I should die prematurely. this switch up was within 24 hours from her last apology mail. I titled the whole expose “to help the good ladies and gentlemen of the fraud unit get to the facts of the matter”
  2. As a matter of fact, I have. I have deleted her everywhere except gmail. I have not been able to successfully delete her completely. Her messages somehow show up in my trash/junk after having blocked her. Thank you Jeanne for your input.
  3. Thank you crazy cat. I was looking for a way to tag you to get your input. Glad you saw this. I'm an avid reader of your instructive posts.
  4. Of course I am clean. This is a clear case of someone who cannot handle rejection. Thank you Timona
  5. I dated this American lady for a while and I caught her cheating and broke up with her. After some months I met my wife, also an American and we git it off and got married. I have been approved for CR1 at uscis and awaiting NVC now. The thing is that my ex has been on my case ever since she found out I got married. She has been trying her best to get me back regardless of my marriage, she has sent several mails over months apologizing to try to get my back and I have religiously refused her at ever turn. She sent me a message some days ago after some months of silence begging that I forgive her and she cried everyday and feels empty and I responded that I have moved on with my life and I love my wife. She figured out she’s been rejected and I’ve truly moved on and she swears in another mail that I am dangerous and I’m a threat to her and her family, She took to insulting my wife and I calling me a scammer and my wife a ho. Next thing she tags me to a mail to the fraud unit of the justice department reporting me to them and accusing me for fraud. Citing that I defrauded her. Mind you while we were dating, I never for once asked this lady for money. She voluntarily bought gifts like on my birthday and when she visited . She occasionally offered money which I accepted. But I dated her and we broke up because she was cheating and she is looking for a way to ensure I don’t make it home to my family. What steps do I take to prove my innocence to the justice department/ I have all the receipts to prove my innocence and she dosent have one single evidence against me and my lovely wife.
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