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Everything posted by Mason_Stellar

  1. thank you for kind response carmel34. My partner's mother is very old and has health complications and for that reason she cannot travel. I wanted to have her blessing in person before we tie the knot. But now i am beginning to realize that might not be a possibility.
  2. i am still not sure how long the overstay was. i will have to talk to a lawyer about this. Still confused about how unlawful presence is counted for f1 visa. but my question in this post was is there was a waiver available, with which i could apply to get a non immigrant visa to see my partner in the US? sorry if my content in this thread sounds redundant or the question sounds silly. i have been reading about different types of waivers and so i though i would ask people who might know a thing or two about that
  3. the overstay was a little less than 7 months and the visa type was a student f1 visa. is it true that f1 students dont accrue unlawful presence untill a formal finding has been made?
  4. is there a way to forgive past overstay with a waiver if applying for any non immigrant visa?
  5. just being a little paranoid, but does the medical test include drug screening regardless of how you answer 'have taken any drugs in the past?' or the drug test is only given to those who admit to having used drugs before? Me personally have never done anything apart from a little bit of social drinking and smoke cigs every now and then just wanna be better prepared. thanks
  6. need a lawyer for a same sex marriage based petition. Filling an I-601 waiver might be a possibility. Can someone please send in recommendations for a competent yet affordable immigration lawyer? Would greatly appreciate it.
  7. yeah i know we would have to meet in person but i'm strictly talking validity of marriage certificates in the eyes of uscis. the one up top is from courtly.com and the one on the bottom is from utahcounty.gov. Will uscis object to small differences between the two
  8. me and my same sex partner intend on getting married online but cannot find the resoruces online (very confusing). Then i stumbled across courtly.com. is that same as a utah online wedding? Can someone give us a step by step guide to marriage online through utah county, please
  9. no the alien did not know the USC before he got the f1 visa
  10. i meant beacuse this case seems complicated could they find a reason to deny us. Only cited fraud or misrep. as an example.
  11. because of the nature of this case, is it possible that the immigration officer could throw a fraud or misrepresentation charge on us? is this winnable and can we unite in the us again?
  12. me and my US citizen same sex partner meet in college. I feel ill(asthma), could not complete my education and overstayed my visa by more than a year and recuperated then returned to my home country(India). Now me and my partner are looking to tie the knot but have to settle for k1 fiance visa since same sex marriage is not allowed in India. What are our chances to unite with each other in the US after going through visa process? Will the officers be harsh on us? Are there a lot of red flags? is the case unwinnable? does it potentially look like "visa shopping" ? Asking for a friend
  13. Hi, My Indian friend who is gay has been in a relationship with a USC partner for the past 14 months. They are now thinking about getting married. But the problem is same sex marriages are not legal in india. So they are thinking about getting married in a LGBTQ+ friendly place like Canada and then using the marriage certificate in the CR1 application since they both wanna live in the states if their application is approved. So my two questions are - is it common or accepted to use marriage certificate from a 3rd country and use it in the CR1 application ? - does a same sex CR1 application hold as much weight as a traditional marriage application?
  14. Going By visa date on my visa stamp, i overstayed by 8 months, so that would mean 3 years ban? is there a way to know this for sure, like somewhere you can ask like the US embassy or something?
  15. Its looking like an non-immigrant visa for now. My USC girlfriend wont tie the knot for another 2 -3 years. i want to go see her if possible. So i want to have some clarity on how long i would have to wait before i can visit
  16. Is there a way to check the number of years someone is inadmissible for after overstaying a US visa. I already know the 3 and 10 year bar for less than 180 days and more than a year overstay. i overstayed my visa due to ill health. is the only way to know for how long you're inadmissible is to apply for a new visa and see what they tell you? Basically, is there a way to know how long you have to wait to apply for visa that wont be rejected.
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