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Everything posted by mapi

  1. Alright, no worries. The CRBA and passport are requested. Waiting for an appointment at the Dutch Embassy. My interview is at the end of January and we're moving in May. Enough time to get all the paperwork done
  2. Yes. Thank you. Nowhere I said that we would enter without that. This topic is about my CR1 Interview. The baby is taken care of. CRBA us filed and passport is included in this process.
  3. Thank you! I was planning on bringing that one. Good one!
  4. Thank you! My wife and I are living in the Netherlands together. We just filed the CRBA at Amsterdam.
  5. Hi all, My case got DQ'ed late November and my wife just gave birth to our son. On January 23 I have my interview. I want to use the belt and suspenders approach to minimize any risk, thus I bringing an updated affidavit with me to the interview. I am simply adding 1 dependent child to the i864 of my wife and let her sign it. My actual question is: do the i864 of my joint sponsor and the i864a of the js spouse need to update anything in theirs? I found this thread, but I was unable to figure it out: Thank you all for helping!
  6. Hi, My wife and I use our Chase credit card a lot and we transfer money on a monthly basis with Wise from our Dutch ING to our American TD or Capital One 360 account. This varies from EUR-USD 500-9000. Hope that helps.
  7. @Lolaka thank you!! Yes, luckily we live together in the Netherlands 😃 I see. That would have been great if the kids could've started they're new school. You can pick a new interview date after they schedules one if I am not mistaken. Did you receive a letter by now?
  8. Ah that sucks. I'm afraid that's gonna cut it close. Good luck!! We're moving in May, so I'm not really in a hurry but we're expecting our first born by the end of December and I rather have no interview around that time.
  9. Hi Loloka, Did you receive your interview letter? I got DQ'ed on the 25th of October and waiting for an interview in Amsterdam as well
  10. I just got DQ'ed and I did use the 864A, because some consular officers ask for it. They want to see consent from the household member if they filed jointly. My JS is earning plenty, but still filled out the fill I864A + Paystubs + W2 to be sure.
  11. Please see this exmaple passport from the internet. This is how Dutch surnames are depicted on the passport. Anybody any experience with this? I really want it in married name, since this is where I go by. My career and network are built on it.
  12. Thanks Liam. Dutch passports show both names (maiden and married). Can I politely point it out to the officer when we get there?
  13. As per title. We got DQ'ed today, but the beneficiary wanted to use their married name. Dutch passport holds both maiden and married name under "surname". Got the new passport before starting the CR1 process. i130 is filed with married name DS260 is filed with married name Then, now after DQ, the beneficiary entry on the NVC website and the notification in email came with the maiden name. If I go to IV application, it shows maiden name as clickable, then if I open the corresponding DS260 it shows married name. I am confused why this happened and if this will have any effect on the Green Card. Beneficiary would really like to go by married name. Did anyone ever experienced this?
  14. @rubym2020 I got DQ today after 7 days
  15. Well, I got Documentarily Qualified today! Submitted October 17th, Qualified on the 25th! Our case made use of a joint sponsor and household member(married filed jointly)
  16. I was a I130 June 2022 filer, but I only filed last week Tuesday as well. Did you notice the increase in NVC processing times? Since last week Monday it jumped from 7 days to 2 months.
  17. I'm afraid it's correct. It jumped from the 17th to the 31st of August.
  18. Haha yup. Personally it does not really matter for us. We're expecting a little one in December and booked our flights for May 7th 2024. I am just surprised (maybe I shouldn't be anymore) that many stakeholders in this process are incapable of managing the flow if it really jumped from one week to 2 months. I can't imagine that all of a sudden there was a peak of 800% in new cases, considering the case creation timeframe is a gatekeeper of this process. Lol. We'll see.
  19. Lol, all of a sudden the update of the timeframes webpage shows that they are working on cases from August 17! https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/immigrate/nvc-timeframes.html It has been one week processing time for months and now I can finally upload it is one week. Just submitted everything. Not an informative post, just frustration.
  20. I think I am a little confused. Currently working on the forms. You say fill both incomes on the forms, so it adds up. 1. Do you mean I also need the spouses paystubs? 2. It does not ad up since joint sponsors current individual income is based on paystubs (as recommended) and not W2. So for the I864, (Part 6 line 7 + part 6 line 10 does not equal part 6 line 20). What do you recommend I do?
  21. Clear. Thank you. @Leo The GreatPlease, the poster above you're giving wrong advice. Try to validate your answers first. I know the intention is good but the more posts like this in this forum, the cloudier it gets.
  22. Yup, I have both filled out and just received the spouse's (i864a) W2 as well. I will not add spouse's income on the I864, but I will provide it on the i864a. Then the sum of individual incomes will equal the tax return copy. Is this the correct way? Is it possible they have no 1099s? That's what my MIL told me. As said, I am unfamiliar with the US tax system (I'm the beneficiary).
  23. Another question on which I cannot find an answer. Does the spouse of the joint sponsor need to be named on the i864 part 6 question 8 part, including that income, even when the income is not used, but the i864a is only used for consent?
  24. I will, but my point is that they might also ask for a W2. Also in your case. Consular Officer has the final decision on your case.
  25. Unfortunately there are many cases where NVC or the officer wants to see the filled in i864a by the joint spouse. Also when income of the spouse is not used.
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