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Everything posted by LC00250

  1. Hi again everyone Another option is that, since I'm working for a US public traded company (on a foreign branch) and I'm making around 45K USD a year, I can keep my salary while moving to USA. Is this a viable option? What is a good way to prove it? Is this unnecessary even though my joint-sponsor's income has decreased?
  2. Hi, everyone Sorry if I posted this on the wrong section of the forum. So here's my situation: I have been DQ'ed by the NVC and now I'm awaiting for my interview after 2 years of initiating the process. When I submitted the documents to the NVC portal, I used my cousin's forms as she'd be my joint-sponsor (along with her husband as they file taxes together). At the time, they made 39K and that's how my case got accepted. However, as I understand, in the interview I might get asked for the most recent taxes. However, this last year they made only 31K, which wouldn't be enough to reach the threshold for a household of 4, as they also have a dependent child with them. So my question is, will I be ok in the interview with this change? If not, what can I do to avoid delays? What's the most practical solution? I don't think they can cover the shortage of income with assets at this point! Thanks in advance.
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