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Everything posted by Mello3

  1. ok finally got a response from NVC that they have my file and I have to wait for a case number.
  2. Right exactly, I was referring to the medical records. If he had a mental health crises those records would be held within the facility and not with the court or police department.
  3. Unfortunately this is not enough information to make an inteligent guess and doesnt show a disposition. Even in dismissed cased it shows the disposition on the FBI report. So to be clear he was arrested, charged, held in the mental health facility and not the jail? then released from the mental health facility? The precinct/procecuter could have dropped the charges IF they deem it to be a mental health crises and not a crime but the charges do not appear to support that assumption. It appears that this is a case that has not yet been ajudicated so you/he can order the official police report to get some clarity but the courts may not have anything further at this point.
  4. Hmmm everything left blank could indicate that he was released on PR (Personal Recognizance) did you see 30.01 anywhere on the records you saw?
  5. The mental health records I do not believe are releasable under HIPPA rules regarding medical records.
  6. Another alternative is that they arrested him, charged him and then bail was set but he didnt have the money for bail or a bail bondsmen to get out. A few days later he or someone else may have come up with the money for the bail boindsman. Either way there is more "there" there. IMO
  7. How do you know they received your case already? My NOA@ was approved on 8/22 and I am dying to know but cant find where to look and see that NVC received it.
  8. So.....just so that I am clear. Upon receiving my NOA2 while waiting for my case to be sent to NVC there is no way to track it or check anything? Do I just wait for something in the mail? Can I use case tracker? We are gathering our documents, etc but I feel like I am stalking my mailman and there must be a better way to check that my file has been sent to NVC. No?
  9. here is the link https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/visa-information-resources/ask-nvc.html
  10. Sorry, I found there is already a thread about this. Please disregard
  11. ok another stupid question from me (there will be more) what amount do I need to put into this box on the 1-134? I thought it would be more like a percentage like I will take care of her 100%. How do you calculate what it will cost to take care of another person for a year? does it matteer what state you are in and what the cost of living is there? I dont want to put the wrong answer.
  12. So this "NVC prosessinf should be complete within 2-4 week" time frame they reference in the NOA-2 is not accurate? Is this just a standard boilerplate form that has not been updated and is inaccurate anymore?
  13. I did mean the 90 day wait to receive the NVC number. I think that was what the other poster was referring to when asking what happens if we do not get it by the deadline on the NOA2. I received my NOA2 in about 2 days from USCIS
  14. This is the same question we have...the timeline appears to be a 90 day wait but that is not gaurenteed. I'm not going to worry about things that havent happened yet but it is a good question.
  15. We received our noa2 approval on tuesday and it is in the mail at my house today
  16. APPROVED Yesterday, saw it this morning via Case Tracker- Noa 1: 8/11/22 Noa 2: 8/22/23 We both couldnt be more excited, good luck to everyone.
  17. this seems to be the one that most people use...I should keep trying others until I get the answer that I want to hear haha
  18. Whomever is working on Augist 11 must be out of the office or working slow. All the k-1's that I can find marked received that day havent been touched. I'm not sure if that gives me comfort or concern just yet.
  19. Holy cow!! Congratulations!!! We should start to see more of these comign in the upcoming weeks and months.
  20. This is super helpful, I have read as much as I can but still noa1 and there is a lot of confusing info out there. Thanks
  21. So.....I think in about 2 weeks this thread is going to liven up quite a bit. 😉 Does that mean I shouldn't keep checking it 6 or 7 times a day? Hahahaha stay strong everyone.
  22. Loved your story. We have some red flags as well (age diff, previous marriages, background checks) that I believe are not going to be too challenging but you really never know how the officer will respond or what they will do. To us it all seems easy to explain because we lived the story, to them it might sound crazy or suspicious. Since my fiancé and I have known each other since 2017 so we have loads of evidence, photos, tickets, passport stamps, etc and sent some of that data along with our original application but again...you never know what will happen. Thanks for sharing your encouraging experience. LDR's are hard and they put an unnerving amount of stress on couples who only want to join their lives. Inspirational stories like this popping up from time to time amongst the challenging ones does help to life the spirits.
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