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Posts posted by throwitaway

  1. 36 minutes ago, F3MTL said:

    Hi, have there been any recent approvals without a WOM? We’ve been stuck for around 6 months now (petitioned 14 years ago, it’s been a really long journey). We were thinking of going the senator or WOM route after the officially 6 month mark. Does anyone have an estimate timeline for how many months after submitting DS-5535 you can message your senator or file a WOM?

    @BatmanFlow’s recent issuance was non-WoM I believe, it was about a year-ish?


    You can do either of those things now, although I don’t have much faith in senators being able to help. 

  2. 7 hours ago, BatmanFlow said:

    OMG my moms visa is issued!!!! I cannot believe I saw those words on CEAC site. 
    432 days after her interview, it’s been issued. 

    man I’m so happy and thankful for this. 

    on Tuesday my congressperson got a reply from embassy that they didn’t have my documents. I had sent everything and it was received by third party sorting facility on November 10. 

    this Wednesday the date changed. It changed again Thursday. It changed again today. And two later later the status changed from refused to issued! 

    what a hellish process and im really

    hoping people see issues soon for their cases


    When you see that word “issued” for the first time, it’s an incredible relief. I remember it well. Congrats! 

  3. 20 minutes ago, kryptonite said:

    Hi everyone,


    Quick back story on my case. I had my interview in Montreal for IR1 on November 2, 2022. The officer gave me a 221(g) form and said they have to do some additional processing on my case (AP). He told me it was related to my refusal of entry to the US earlier this year in May 2022. This wasn't in my DS-260 as it happened after the fact. The reason the border officer gave me was that because my case is currently in the immigration process, I cannot cross until that is done. It was a bit strange because I had crossed multiple times before this just as a visitor but, I was told I couldn't do that anymore either. He said I wasn't doing anything illegal and it is just the law and that I should just wait for the immigration process to be complete.


    Fast forward, I told this story to the interview officer on November 2nd and he told me this was the reason he is putting it into AP just to confirm my story. He said it shouldn't be any issue based off of what the story is but he has to do his due diligence. He kept my original police certificate and my passport. I asked him how long it would take and he said a few weeks but, could not say for sure. As of today is has been a little over 5 weeks. Last week on December 1st, I emailed the Montreal consulate and just yesterday (5 business days later) I got a response from them.


    "Your case is currently under administrative processing. While we cannot predict when the processing of your visa will be completed, please be assured that the Consulate and the State Department are aware of your concerns and will contact you as soon as the processing is complete."


    Looks like it is just a generic response as nothing in their email mentioned any specifics from my case. The interview officer at the time told me that there was nothing I had to do and even in this email there was no direction provided so I'm assuming they are not waiting on any documents from me or anything like that. I know some people were told that they did not need to give any documents but after reaching out to them via email they realized that the consulate is actually waiting on stuff. That doesn't seem like the case for me.


    Has anybody ever received a response like this before from them? Does responding to that email again even do anything? The CEAC last update date changed to the date they sent me the email but the status still says Refused. So they probably took a glance at my case when emailing me back.


    P.S. I know this is the thread for DS-5535 but, I was told to visit it as people might have some good insight on AP. Reading all of your posts and how long you all have been waiting makes my 5 weeks of waiting sound like nothing. Congrats to those who have finally heard back - saw a few of those recently. 

    That’s their template reply, it’s probably their most used one. They often update the date on your case when they reply to an email, at least they did with mine. They’ll just repeat the answer if you ask them again unfortunately.

  4. 14 hours ago, TheMaverick said:

    On the same lines I have a question, I asked this question before but did not receive a response. I currently have a TN visa(which does not have dual intent like a H1) and now if I am placed in AP, Can I still travel to the US to work(not as a tourist). Because once I have attended that first interview I have shown intent to migrate. For someone on TN who is going through CP, one of the response to give to CBP is that since we have an interview scheduled we would leave US and head to Canada thereby proving that our current stay in US is temporary. But once that interview is over what reasoning can we give to prove that the current entry will be temporary. I guess once AP is compete they just ask for passports(they do not call for second round of interview)

    It looks like a DOS memo went out in 2017 addressing your specific situation. Unfortunately, it no longer seems to exist on the DOS website, but several immigration law offices have posted about it. Because I haven’t been able to find this policy on an official government website I would take it with a grain of salt. They say:


    “Department of State (DOS) offered information late last year that benefits those with visa applications in administrative processing.


    According to the DOS, an existing visa will not be cancelled while a new application is pending administrative processing in a US consulate. However, the consulate will cancel previously approved, valid visas if “derogatory information” emerges during review.  Therefore, if someone plans to enter the US while their new visa application is held for administrative processing, the traveler can apply for admission into the US only if they possess a valid nonimmigrant visa. If a traveler utilizes a previously issued visa, then they must comply with the terms of that visa. For example, if an individual enters the US with a valid B-1/B-2 visa, they should not enter the country with the intention to work.


    CBP Maintains Authority 

    Although a previously issued visa may be valid during a pending administrative processing hold, Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) maintains the authority to determine admissibility. Thus, an application for entry could be denied by CBP, regardless if the previously issued visa is valid.”


    Looks like your TN won’t be “automatically cancelled” if you go into AP, unless of course they find something they don’t like. CBP at port of entry may scrutinize your admission, so it would be wise to bring as much evidence as possible that you are not permanently moving to the US on your trip.


    Hope this helps. 

  5. 25 minutes ago, AnnJacks said:

    Trying to figure out how to visit my mom in Russia and pretty shocked by ticket prices. Anyone went recently to Russia successfully ( I am US citizen) ? What countries has open air to get to Russia! Thank you! Sorry if this topic been already posted. Have to write from different account because I forgot my password etc 

    What state are you flying out of? I did a cursory search and I’m not seeing anything too crazy.

  6. 15 minutes ago, emergence said:

    I have to rant a moment. The absolute worst care scenario I feared when we were given DS-5535 has come about. I work in tech and I was laid off today. This isn’t super surprising to me given macroeconomic trends and the wave of layoffs across the tech industry. I was worried it might happen when we were given DS-5535. Instead of my fiancé being here, able to get me on his health insurance and help financially with the mortgage, I am in the situation of dealing with all of this alone and trying to do it as fast as I can to make sure this doesn’t mess up immigration.  This situation would be immeasurably easier if we weren’t put in AP for no good reason. 

    This sucks.

    Brutal, I’m so sorry. 

  7. 1 hour ago, kryptonite said:

    There was another user who was refused entry at the border - not for anything serious or anything but refused nonetheless. The officer asked her if she was and she answered truthfully. The officer thought nothing of it and approved her on the spot. Later she checked her status and she was refused. The officer called her and told her it was because of the refusal at the border. They had to call the border and confirm her story. 4 weeks later she was finally approved and her passport was mailed.


    I’m in a similar situation however, I was put into administrative processing on the spot rather than being approved for the exact same reason - The refusal. Currently waiting for my status to change and my passport to be mailed out. 

    This is an extraordinary example of someone who was told why they were refused - unfortunately the majority of us will never know.

  8. 1 hour ago, AnimeLover89 said:

    Are they doing like thorough background checks? Because Ive read that now a refused status is same as AP. Plus I'm a Pakistani so can that be a causing all of this?

    If your CEAC is refused with a long text underneath that says “your case will remain refused while undergoing such processing blah blah” then yes, you’re in AP.


    “Administrative Processing” is no longer used as a status for AP, in other words, the “we’re looking into you before we can issue your visa” step is now just called “Refused,” with some text mentioning AP underneath. 

    The old “Administrative Processing” status is rarely used at all anymore. Sometimes it shows up immediately before a visa is issued, like when it’s queued up for printing.


    When a CO “approved” your visa it still gets reviewed at the end of the day by the higher ups, this is where it can then be tossed into the AP pile.


    It sucks. There’s nothing you can do to find out why this happened, but you’re lucky you didn’t get asked for DS 5535 (I know it’s little solace when you didn’t expect any of this, but trust me, it could be worse). You’ll probably clear in 90 days or less (they’re reviewing your application). Be sure to let us know! 

  9. 23 minutes ago, BatmanFlow said:

    so my congressperson got a response back today that the embassy still havent received the requested information (passport, photos, etc).

    Canada post shows delivered to their third party sorting facility on November 10. i realize there is a bit of a delay in embassy actually getting the document from their sorting facility, but its now 3.5 weeks!


    anyone else who submitted document have any data on how long it took for embassy to get their documents from the sorting facility?

    It’s probably sitting in a pile for a CO to review, and because the CO hasn’t reviewed it, it hasn’t been marked as received internally. 



  10. 1 hour ago, Tikitch said:

    I was requesting info to get my passport back while my application is in AP and that's what the officer said:

    Also note carefully again everything it says, including:  “Along with your passport, you will receive a letter indicating the latest date you have to resume your application without the need to pay a visa application fee again. “


    Does this mean my visa will be paused because I asked for my passport back?How does this make sense???

    I don’t think it will be paused, they’re waiting for the relevant agencies to return an opinion on you and it’s not like those agencies have your physical passport.


    If you’re really concerned you can get a white temp passport. Tell Passport Canada the duration of your upcoming work trips and that your passport is in the possession of a foreign embassy. 

  11. 1 hour ago, Gha said:

    Hi friends

    I am new here on this form.I want to share my interview experience.

    I had a interview on 24 October 2022.she quickly asked me few questions.Afrer the interview she said your going to Ap.she kept my passport and all my original documents.she said we don’t need any documents from you but they asked me to sign a paper .she give me 22g white paper

    she said next communication we will touch with you in email..my case updated two time till right now

    can please anyone guide me how long it will take to issue the visa 

    Thank you 

    Wow that’s the first time I’ve seen anyone have their original documents taken. 

  12. 7 hours ago, Tikitch said:

    Has anyone who requested their passports during AP tell me please what the process is like please.

    What do I need to include in my email? And how long does it take to get it back from when I send the email?



    You just email them your name, date of birth, interview date and time, passport number, DOS case number if you have it. Say you need the passport back for travel and will return it to them upon request. 


    Don’t expect Montreal to send it back quickly, it could take some time, but since you probably don’t need a consular officer for this it shouldn’t be too crazy.

  13. 20 hours ago, MikeBr said:


    Hi All.  Looks like I join the ranks with all of you fine people.


    Had my interview yesterday at Montreal Consulate.  It went relatively well.  Provided my original documents - marriage license, passport photo, birth certificate, police certificate and a copy of 2021 taxes.  She did what she needed with them and returned the originals back.  She kept my passport.


    she also took my fingerprints too.


    Second person asked me simple questions - who is your petitioner, where did you meet, what you like about your spouse, where you would live.  He was friendly.


    He then said you have been randomly selected for additional processing.  Visa refused at moment.  Await email with questionnaire for completion.  Once completed send it back to the email it came with (and not to attach and corresponding documents, just answer the questions).


    He then said would it be ok for them to hold onto my passport, so I said yes.


    A few hours later I received email with questionnaire.  It was a DS-5355.  I now read unsettling stories about it.  I completed it and sent it back last evening.


    I have seen stories where it can take up to 60 days to review, if not much longer!!!


    this process has been long enough, but I have to remain optimistic.  I am a Canadian citizen with no concerning background.  


    any insight on this matter would be greatly appreciated. I do have my Nexus which I referenced in the questionnaire, but not sure if that will help expedite the process.  


    Most of those that interview at MTL and get 5535 are Canadian citizens, and I do know someone with Nexus that got 5535 anyway. Unfortunately it doesn’t seem like any of that helps :(

  14. 14 minutes ago, Jvisa said:

    yes I am sure about email ,,is there any other email I can use it????please let me know

    my question if they kept my passport how long will take my AP as it is not normal to take somebody's passport for 1 year????????

    AP at Montreal especially 5535 can take a really, really long time. Some in this thread are over a year now, you’ve been waiting since August 2022? 

  15. 12 hours ago, Jvisa said:

    Hi All,


    I had my interview in August and officer kept my passport, he said email us your resume and 15 years history ,  I never received email for DS5535 but I emailed them my resume and all my history and then noticed they reopened my DS 260 in NVC and requesting document like i-864 EZ in NVC , I upload all document, but I never received response from them even Auto response email whenever email them ,so worried and I think they never received my emails and my documents, Does anyone else has the same experience why I am not receiving AOUT RESPONSE EMAIL ANYMORE please????????


    this happening for you are they keeping your passport as well?

    So, they’ll keep your passport until they’re ready to issue the visa, it isn’t unusual. If you need it to travel soon you can request they return it to you. They’ll ask for it back when they need it. 


    They take about a week or more usually to respond to emails. Are you sure you sent it to the right email address? 

  16. 1 hour ago, Jvisa said:

    Hi All,


    I had my interview in August and officer kept my passport, he said email us your resume and 15 years history ,  I never received email for DS5535 but I emailed them my resume and all my history and then noticed they reopened my DS 260 in NVC and requesting document like i-864 EZ in NVC , I upload all document, but I never received response from them even Auto response email whenever email them ,so worried and I think they never received my emails and my documents, Does anyone else has the same experience why I am not receiving AOUT RESPONSE EMAIL ANYMORE please????????


    this happening for you are they keeping your passport as well?

    15 years history of what? 

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