Hi All,
Just got this from USCIS. They said they need more proof of our bonafide marriage and listed that we provide the following:
Documents showing joint ownership of property, such as mortgage agreements or payments,
property titles, or property registrations; - we don't own a house.
Lease(s) showing the same residence; - trying to make this happen as I'm the only one on the lease but she gets tons of mail there
Documents showing shared finances and obligations (such as joint bank account(s), credit card
statements, telephone bills, gas bills, electric bills, water bills, other utility bills, joint income
taxes, joint insurance policies, insurance policies where one spouse is the dependent of the
other, etc.); -
we have one joint bank account, and she is not listed on any utility bills. should I add her name to any bills and print that she is on those accounts?
I was also thinking of printing verification of our joint bank account
Birth certificate(s) of child(ren) born to the spouses; - we have no children.
Pictures of wedding and other events. - we have tons of pictures, some with family. how many should we send?
Also thinking of sending:
- 2 affidavits from friends/family testifying to marriage
- adding her to utility and phone and internet bills
- proof of joint bank account
- proof of her paystubs going into our joint bank account
- proof of her on my insurance card and my insurance benefits
- a medical bill addressed to our residence.
Any other tips?