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Everything posted by Mozillaman

  1. Sounds like you didn't renew your Driver's License. Account to the CA DMV website, it costs $36 to get a replacement DL; and given this and the previous expired the same year, it wasn't renewed, it was replaced. It's OPTIONAL to get a replacement card when you change your license in CA for future refernce: https://www.dmv.ca.gov/portal/online-change-of-address-coa-system/
  2. You can write N/A on fields for which you don't have information or a way to get it:
  3. Yep, that's the same letter. You print out the EPA Form 3520-1 yourself (in my case they didn't even want it at the crossing, but still good to have on hand) and pair that with the letter from FCA. Good luck and safe journeys!
  4. Hi all! I just recently joined the forum, but I've been referencing it for my journey to immigrate to the US to be with my spouse for the last few years. When I looked into importing my Jeep from Canada to the US, I saw a long history of forum threads here that this was an awful process, so I wanted to share my experience, and then, in the end, the fastest way to get the documentation from FCA without hassle. The Slow (if it even works) Process My first instinct was to call FCA Canada (1-800-465-2001) and ask them for the documentation, The phone agent was friendly and helpful and found an internal document in their help system to request the letter. The process she outlined was to send the VIN #, current odometer reading, a statement that it was being imported for personal use, a copy of proof of immigration, and a copy of the registration of the vehicle to a PO box in Michigan. I collected all this and mailed it off, but then found the threads here and started to feel less sure I'd ever get a response. This process might work, but I didn't wait for a reply before finding the faster way to get this done. The Quick Process Skip Canada, call FCA US directly at 1-800-247-9753, tell their voice menu that you want "something else" and provide the last 8 digits of your VIN. Someone there will answer and ask if you're calling from Canada, tell them "I am, but I'm calling FCA US intentionally. I was sent your way to open a case # with the documentation team for a compliance letter to import a vehicle from Canada to the US, and FCA Canada isn't able to do that." At that point, they asked me for my full VIN #, phone number and email address and told me someone would get back to me in a day or two. Compliance Letter seems to be their name for it and knowing that made asking for it a very fast process. I was sent an email from someone at FCA 2 days later asking for: In reply, I sent a single PDF with a copy of my NOA2 and Interview Confirmation, a letter from an employer that wants to hire me once I move to the US, a copy of my registration and this cover letter After sending this back to their email, I received the compliance letter back in under 2 hours by email! Country of Origin Some folks have also been looking for documentation for where their vehicle was assembled for import under NAFTA/USMCA. I found you can get this by going to https://windowstickerlookup.com/ and entering your VIN. You'll get the original window sticker for your vehicle, and the "Assembly Point/Port of Entry" will appear at the bottom above the VIN barcode. In my case, my Jeep was assembled in Mexico. I'll be taking this with me at the POE when crossing as additional evidence if needed. I hope this helps other FCA vehicle owners out there! I'll post an update after I actually move down with how the import process went at the POE.
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