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Everything posted by Inveigh

  1. Greetings all, I am compiling a spreadsheet with as much information as possible to explain my K1 process to you all. However there is alot of information and I want to make sure everything is right before I post it to you all completely. As of right now though, there have been a few case updates (maybe around 5) and a Motion to Dismiss but still no Visa. Although I pray everyone gets through this troubling time and can be reunited with their loved ones soon.
  2. Hey did you get the visa and can you please update your timeline.
  3. Hey any update?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. littleminxgirl


      At this point I feel like it's a lost cause. I can't move over there, and he can't come here. There seems to be no way around it. I honestly don't think we'll ever her anything from immigration. Its a huge mess. I told him he shuld have tried for Canada. At least then I'd be able to see him more often. 

    3. littleminxgirl


      Did you ever hear anything after you filed?

    4. Inveigh


      We got a motion to dismiss, but I would file now if i was you

  4. Greetings all new Update: Our Lawyer has Filed a Motion to Compel today and now the Government has 14 days to respond.
  5. So responding with a Motion to Compel of Administrative Record is the next legal action our lawyer says is a good method. I believe that a Motion to Compel Discovery and Motion to Compel of Administrative Record are essentially the same, but I am happy to be corrected. Once they provide information on why Administrative Processing is issued, I believe then we will focus on fighting or updating the complaint (or voluntarily dismissing). Albeit, it might not even get to that point.
  6. @Crazy Cat Yes this is their first response back to our Writ of Mandamus. Our Lawyer said that if the U.S. Attorney's office did respond with a Motion to Dismiss he would be shocked at how far-gone Washington D.C. has become at just dismissing cases when people have circumstances like ours which are very defendable in his eyes.
  7. So I have an update, at 11PM at night they put in a Motion to Dismiss for our case 😥😥😥
  8. Im also thoroughly surprised. They have less than 5 hours left until the end of the workday to respond to the Mandamus Lawsuit and we STILL have not received a response.
  9. Today is the last day for them to respond, hopefully we will get some good news and I will share it all with you here briefly.
  10. Greetings All, Just wanted to start a Mena DS-5535 Forum, as it seems tons of people here go through this process and have no platform to vent. I am not sure how deep this rabbit hole will go but I hope this will become a venue everyone can talk and vent and retain information lost with those throughout this process. As of right now, here is my timeline everybody: I hope you all gain something from this: 08MAY2023 - Interview Date - Ready 09MAY2023 - Refused 221(G) - Documents not Submitted. 10MAY2023 - Refused 221(G) - Documents Submitted 11MAY2023 - Refused 221(G) - No Action on our Behalf 22MAY2023 - Refused 221(G) - No Action on our Behalf 24MAY2023 - Refused 221(G) - No Action on our Behalf 26MAY2023 - Refused 221(G) - No Action on our Behalf 06JUNE2023 - Refused 221(G) - No Action on our Behalf 20JUNE2023 - WRIT OF MANDAMUS FILED - PETITION FOR WRIT OF MANDAMUS and Complaint for Declaratory and Injunctive Relief against RENA BITTER, ANTONY J. BLINKEN, JAYNE HOWELL 21JUNE2023 - WRIT OF MANDAMUS CASE ASSIGEND - SUMMONS (5) Issued Electronically as to RENA BITTER, ANTONY J. BLINKEN, JAYNE HOWELL, U.S. Attorney and U.S. Attorney General(zrtw) 23JUNE2023 - Refused 221(G) - No Action on our Behalf 28JUNE2023 - STANDARD ORDER for civil cases signed by our Judge 24JULY2023 (Part 1) - RETURN OF SERVICE/AFFIDAVIT of Summons and Complaint - Returned Executed as to Federal Defendant Summons Returned Executed as to U.S. Attorney General - Answer due for ALL FEDERAL DEFENDANTS by 8/21/2023 26JULY2023 (Part 2) - RETURN OF SERVICE/AFFIDAVIT of Summons and Complaint - Returned Executed as to Federal Defendant Summons Returned Executed as to U.S. Attorney General - Answer due for ALL FEDERAL DEFENDANTS by 8/21/2023 28JULY2023 - Refused 221(G) - TODAY. We had started the process to file a Writ of Mandamus after 40 days and spent $4000.00. We used Morrison-URENA. There is a Telegram Group called 'mandamus_ap' on Telegram if you give it a search that has a list of verified lawyers to give you some additional guidance that I highly recommend. Although I cannot provide the link here, you can type what I put in bold and the group will pop up. As for now. Lets see where this goes everyone. My fiance and I have 10 days left until the Gov't has to respond so wish us luck!
  11. I have been trying to make another forum for U.S. Citizens going through the DS-5535 process with their family members in the Middle East but am uncertain how to go about doing that. This forum here has alot of notoriety and Im not sure if I created such a forum if it would reach the same lengths or if people would care.
  12. For which Embassy if you don't mind me asking, and what was the reason they gave at the interview?
  13. CEAC website updated from “Administrative Processing” to “Refused” On March 3, 2020. It doesn't mean a denial.
  14. New updates today for Writ of Mandamus and CEAC This time in more detail 08MAY2023 - Interview Date - Ready 09MAY2023 - Refused 221(G) - Documents not Submitted. 10MAY2023 - Refused 221(G) - Documents Submitted 11MAY2023 - Refused 221(G) - No Action on our Behalf 22MAY2023 - Refused 221(G) - No Action on our Behalf 24MAY2023 - Refused 221(G) - No Action on our Behalf 26MAY2023 - Refused 221(G) - No Action on our Behalf 06JUNE2023 - Refused 221(G) - No Action on our Behalf 20JUNE2023 - WRIT OF MANDAMUS FILED - PETITION FOR WRIT OF MANDAMUS and Complaint for Declaratory and Injunctive Relief against RENA BITTER, ANTONY J. BLINKEN, JAYNE HOWELL 21JUNE2023 - WRIT OF MANDAMUS CASE ASSIGEND - SUMMONS (5) Issued Electronically as to RENA BITTER, ANTONY J. BLINKEN, JAYNE HOWELL, U.S. Attorney and U.S. Attorney General(zrtw) 23JUNE2023 - Refused 221(G) - No Action on our Behalf 28JUNE2023 - STANDARD ORDER for civil cases signed by our Judge 24JULY2023 & 26JULY2023 [Joint Update] - RETURN OF SERVICE/AFFIDAVIT of Summons and Complaint - Returned Executed as to Federal Defendant Summons Returned Executed as to U.S. Attorney General - Answer due for ALL FEDERAL DEFENDANTS by 8/21/2023 28JULY2023 - Refused 221(G) - TODAY.
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