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About Luckyswife2b

  • Birthday 03/18/1980

Profile Information

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  • Interests
    Africa! <br />Culture!<br />Social Justice!<br />Family!<br />Traveling!<br />Dogs!<br />Ocean!<br />Swimming!<br />Jogging!<br />Church!<br />Life!

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Vermont Service Center
  • Country
  • Our Story
    Lucky and I are very much in love.... We met online spring of 2007... we met in Africa (Ghana) Summer 07!!! I brought my 6 year old son and my 65 year old father along for the trip!!! We didn't know it would be one of the most significant trips of our LIVES!!! Because that summer, every single one of us fell in love with one another including my father and son with Lucky and vice versa!!! And by "In love" I mean they clicked personality wise and all gained a deep respect and care for one another!! That was the point when Lucky came into my family.... not yet legally or officially, but indeed, he was accepted by both my son and father..... and that is a Blessing for me!!!! So here we are, we just got APPROVAL FOR THE INITIAL PETITION FROM VT SERVICE CENTER... AND OVER ONE MONTH EARLIER THAN THE LISTED PROCESSING TIMES!!! God is SO GOOD.... What a Blessing to know we are over that hump.... now my dear Fiance will be with me and my father and my son very soon...... It is just a matter of time and a few technicalities which we will work out asap!!!

    Good Luck to Everyone Here who is as ~in love~ with one another as Lucky and I are!!!! May your wait fly by!!! ;)



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