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  1. April 19, 2023 - We received your USCIS Immigrant fee payment for your Permanent Resident Card related to your immigrant visa. May 6, 2023 - entered US via JFK June 3, 2023 - We are producing your new card for your Form OS155A, Immigrant Visa and Alien Registration. June 7, 2023 - We mailed your new card your Form OS155A, Immigrant Visa and Alien Registration, directly to the address you gave us. June 10, 2023 - card received
  2. I'm so sorry to hear that! Travelling back and forth for a visa is insane. Memorial day weekend is coming up. Hopefully you'll get good news from SG consulate before then to take advantage of the long weekend...
  3. For family based green card, it requires the petitioner to show that they have sufficient income to support the applicant. The 221G I received was a request for the latest 2022 tax transcript or tax return + W2. At the time, my husband hadn't filed 2022 taxes yet as the consular interview was before the tax filing deadline. We quickly filed taxes on the same day of the interview and then submitted the requested documents to the consulate via CEAC. At the time of the interview they asked if I wanted to keep my passport due to 221G. I told them to keep it as I thought the process might be even longer if I had to re-submit my passport. Thankfully my 221G cleared in about 2 business days and I got my passport with visa shortly after. For checking on visa status, you can check both CEAC and USTravelDocs. Good luck! I hope things go as planned for you
  4. Thank you! I hope things will go well for you. Honestly, 2 business days is a little tight... it's a gamble as you never know if the embassy has any backlogs to clear. I remember getting the status update on ustravel docs after I left my office around 6pm. I was checking it every couple of hours. Which led me to believe that the embassy probably sends the passport for visa printing at the end of the day as a batch. You can also track your case here https://ceac.state.gov/CEACStatTracker/Status.aspx When your visa is printed, the status will show as "Issued" The interview was very informal for me. Kinda like catching up with a friend. In the room, there were 8 counters and I think family based visas were served by counters 7 and 8. We were able to sit and wait instead of being in a queue. When the officer was ready, they will call out your name. My spouse wasn't required to be there. The questions were simple, asking about when and how we met, what were our jobs, where and when did we get married, if we have kids, what I'd want to do in the US, where I'd live. Counters 1-6 were for travel/business/student visas from what I observed. They had to queue up, go to counter 1, then counter 2, before getting interviewed at counter 3-6. I dont know what they asked for at counters 1 and 2, but I imagine they were checking documents. It was a little strange during the interview to be spilling personal details or plans with so many strangers behind you. There's a glass barrier between you and the officer, so people were speaking loud enough for the officer to hear. It was also loud enough for me to hear all about some of the applicant's travel plans, visa type, family details. I think if you're honest and concise, you'll both will be fine. Arrive early as there is a initial check outside the embassy regarding your interview appointment. And you'll also have to go through security where they took my phone, portable charger, and earphones.
  5. They only asked for originals. I printed a whole bunch of copies for nothing... They'll ask for each original doc one by one in the order specified in the email so arrange your docs accordingly and it will go quicker
  6. @SGtoMurica just got a SMS from Aramex notifying me that my passport is ready for pickup. I chose the free pickup option (Aramex c/o Bstone Travel Pte. Ltd 101 Upper Cross Street, #B1-31, People's Park Center Singapore 058357) 2 business days Visa approved 17 Apr. Passport available for pick up 19 Apr
  7. Yes! I got that 1 day before the interview too. But I've got those docs prepare already in advance. There wasn't anything additional that wasn't mentioned here https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/Supplements/Supplements_by_Post/SGP-Singapore.html Before the actual interview, they asked for the original docs in the exact order specified in the email. After they collected the docs, they asked me to wait at the waiting area for my name to be called for the interview.
  8. Also IR1 here and had my interview in 11 April in the morning! Unfortunately I was 221G-ed and they requested an additional document. We submitted it the next day (Wed) and then some back and forth clarifications over email up till Thurs. They told me they will not inform me if I am approved. If I'm approved, the courier service will email me for passport pick up. I was checking the UStraveldocs portal track my passport function multiple times a day and the status was just updated to Passport has been received from the consular section, and is currently being processed for delivery I guess I'm approved today? Fingers crossed. Will update again when passport is available for pickup. @SGtoMurica
  9. Yes I wasn't able to prove I had immunity and the dr decided to order the blood test. I dont know if when the consulate receives it after Dr sends the results over. I imagine it was instantaneous since it was e-filling. When he was asking me a bunch of medical history questions, it was on a web platform so I imagine the Dr just had to submit through there. I suppose you can email the consulate for more concrete details
  10. Yes bring whatever you have and let the doctor decide. i brought my previous blood test but it was more than a year ago.
  11. sorry - no idea. Syphillis S$17 and Varicella Zoster (Chickenpox immunity) S$75 - both prices are before GST
  12. My medical was on 21 March. The blood test results was sent to me later that night. The Dr then informed me on 23 March that they have sent my medical results to embassy and that my chest x-ray was normal.
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