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Keith Thomas

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Posts posted by Keith Thomas

  1. Thanks for putting the link up for my story, Rebecca. I never thought of that!

    Maybe you already did this but what about your US Senators and US Representatives, had a chance to contact them yet and ask for help? Also the media needs to know and hear about this, I am talking CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, or FOXNews. I hope it works out for you, unreal what you are going through, sorry to hear that. I also assume you probably have tried attorney and everything else, so not sure what to say, but please try the politicians in your state that are in US Congress.


    I tried the Senators for Ohio. I also had a number of talks with John Boehner's staff, he wouldn't do anything. I have also had a number of talks with Steve Chabot's staff but as yet they have not done anything. Church members have contacted high up political people, men that are in the White House--still no help. The Cincinnati newspapers wrote about it and I have been on four of the tv stations--but still nothing. We have written to different individuals at Fox News, all the major newspapers but they didn't even reply. I don't know much more I can do except wait and hope that they will still expedite the paperwork so that I can have my day in court with an Immigration judge. It's not knowing anything and not seeing anything happening that is the pain. Thanks for your interest!

  2. OP,

    This is a very sad story and believe me I don't want to see you removed because of 2 minor marijuana violations.

    My only recommendations are that you do hire a GOOD immigration attorney, attend the hearing with the immigration judge and plead your case as a long time, tax paying, law abiding visitor in this country, the husband of a US Citizen with 2 children that are US Citizens, that has a couple of legal infractions that occurred over a quarter of a century ago. Whatever you do, don't play the "pastor" card .. it is bad enough that the catholic church believes it is above the law with a large number of pedophile priests in their ranks, immigration law shouldn't be influenced by your choice of religion or occupation either. I truly believe that people are tired of hearing it and when they look at your case they will surely see that there are many good reasons to grant your request. If they don't because of your drug use history then you should get one of the really good attorney's that are recommended in the pages at VJ that specialize in cases like yours and proceed accordingly.

    If you want God to help you, pray for his help.

    Good luck with your situation and your hearing.


    Thank you, CountryBoy, for your kind words. Somebody a couple of days ago also reccommended that I not play the pastor card and I think it is wise advice. It is possible to get paperwork for being a pastor quite easily so I will not go there. I really don't know if my Immigration lawyer is a good one or not, only time will tell. The church that I serve are the ones that got a hold of him to complete my paperwork a few years ago now. He certainly seems like he knows his stuff. It kind of worries me that it is going on so long--is it normal to not hear from them for 13 months? How long does it normally take for an appearance before an Immigration Judge? Does anyone out there know?
  3. I don't understand why you didn't adjust status shortly after your marriage to an American.

    When I married my wife in 1980 I filled out forms for the Green CArd but on the forms they asked if I had any convictions for drugs--I told them the truth about two minor marijuana convictions that I had committed in England in 1971 and again in 1975. A year later after reviewing my paperwork and telling me that there were not two waivers for drug convictions they refused me the Green Card.

    They gave me a 3 year work visa in 2000 and I got a 2 year extension but after that I had to leave or go for the Green Card again- which has again been refused. They have not yet told me officially a date that I have to be out of the country but they will not give me give me the Green Card and permission to go back to work pastoring the people that I am called to serve......I still preach and teach but I have not received wages now for 13 months. My immigration lawyer says that at some point they will give me a Notice To Appear before an Immigration Judge, which is what I want. I want to talk face to face with someone and have them review the person I am now not the person I was 36 years ago. I am still waiting for the NTA.

    It sounds like you have your answer and plan. Appear before the judge and plead your case. I doubt it will make any difference what kind of work you do. I'd just plead the case as a long time law abiding resident with a long term marriage and two USC children. Of course your attorney is best to advise you on this but playing the minister card is probably not going to be helpful. I don't see the judge giving you special consideration because you're a minister and they just might find it offensive that you think they should. My beloved Grandfather, Great Uncle and Uncle were ministers. I'd give them the same advice.

  4. I don't understand why you didn't adjust status shortly after your marriage to an American.

    When I married my wife in 1980 I filled out forms for the Green CArd but on the forms they asked if I had any convictions for drugs--I told them the truth about two minor marijuana convictions that I had committed in England in 1971 and again in 1975. A year later after reviewing my paperwork and telling me that there were not two waivers for drug convictions they refused me the Green Card.

    They gave me a 3 year work visa in 2000 and I got a 2 year extension but after that I had to leave or go for the Green Card again- which has again been refused. They have not yet told me officially a date that I have to be out of the country but they will not give me give me the Green Card and permission to go back to work pastoring the people that I am called to serve......I still preach and teach but I have not received wages now for 13 months. My immigration lawyer says that at some point they will give me a Notice To Appear before an Immigration Judge, which is what I want. I want to talk face to face with someone and have them review the person I am now not the person I was 36 years ago. I am still waiting for the NTA.

  5. I married an American after giving my life to Christ in 1977. I am still happily married 26 years later (27 years next week). I have 2 delightful kids with US Passports, Anna, 22 years old, getting married to a Texan in May of next year, and Simeon, 16 years of age. I came into the country legally after being invited to work as Pastor in a large Church (8000 attendees) in Cincinnati, Ohio, and being given permission by the Embassy in London. I came in on a Pastors work visa that lasted five years. When I came to the end of the five years my Immigration lawyer applied for a residency visa (Green Card) which was turned down just over a year ago now on the basis that I have two minor marijuana convictions from 1971 and 1975 that make me ineligible for the Green Card. The convictions were not hidden from the Immigration Service, I have been quite open about them for the 26 years I have been married. The convictions were completely expunged ((wiped out for all legal purposes) in England in 1982. I have appealed to go before an Immigration Judge, what’s known as an NTA (Notice to Appear) where I get to state my case and the judge will adjudicate accordingly. The Immigration Director over the whole of the Midwest is sympathetic to my case. He can do what is known as Deferred Action, which is permission to work but I don’t get the Green Card. He is unwilling to do that until all administrative options have been taken, the main one being an appearance before an Immigration Judge. I am still waiting for that Immigration judge appointment 13 months after being denied the Green Card. How long does an NTA normally take....I am beginning to think that my paperwork is being buried in the hope that I will go away of my own accord. I am still not allowed to work as a Pastor and can't understand why I am being treated in this way. Pastor Keith Thomas.

    Contact an immigration Attorney to get the right advice. Preferably one that has been recommended. I wish you the best.

  6. I married an American after giving my life to Christ in 1977. I am still happily married 26 years later (27 years next week). I have 2 delightful kids with US Passports, Anna, 22 years old, getting married to a Texan in May of next year, and Simeon, 16 years of age. I came into the country legally after being invited to work as Pastor in a large Church (8000 attendees) in Cincinnati, Ohio, and being given permission by the Embassy in London. I came in on a Pastors work visa that lasted five years. When I came to the end of the five years my Immigration lawyer applied for a residency visa (Green Card) which was turned down just over a year ago now on the basis that I have two minor marijuana convictions from 1971 and 1975 that make me ineligible for the Green Card. The convictions were not hidden from the Immigration Service, I have been quite open about them for the 26 years I have been married. The convictions were completely expunged ((wiped out for all legal purposes) in England in 1982. I have appealed to go before an Immigration Judge, what’s known as an NTA (Notice to Appear) where I get to state my case and the judge will adjudicate accordingly. The Immigration Director over the whole of the Midwest is sympathetic to my case. He can do what is known as Deferred Action, which is permission to work but I don’t get the Green Card. He is unwilling to do that until all administrative options have been taken, the main one being an appearance before an Immigration Judge. I am still waiting for that Immigration judge appointment 13 months after being denied the Green Card. How long does an NTA normally take....I am beginning to think that my paperwork is being buried in the hope that I will go away of my own accord. I am still not allowed to work as a Pastor and can't understand why I am being treated in this way. Pastor Keith Thomas.

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