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About Lynxyonok

  • Birthday 03/20/1979

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  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    California Service Center
  • Local Office
    Philadelphia PA
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  1. There is a wave of denials during the initial submission, and there is yet another wave of denials related to RFEs. Nowadays, 1 in 3 cases catches an RFE, and 1 in 3 those catches a denial. Lawfully app disagrees... I will wait to see until it does. #inevitable
  2. I'm literally right next to you. The "expedite denied" on the Valentine's day one.
  3. Good evening. Support ticket #315331 has been filed to address a moderator censoring usage of portions of pledge of allegiance in a post.

  4. It's scary how in 2023 we can't even see or update our applications online. I mean, USCIS scans every file in from the get-go. So, it's online already. Just not for peasants (us). $535 paid to be denied basics.
  5. Congratulations to everyone approved. To everyone else (including myself), stay strong...
  6. There are over 3,500+ cases still piled up from pre-May 2023. And there are just as many RFE's waiting to be answered. I'm not American by birth, and that's one part of this culture I can't accept to date: not having the courage to tell someone "no" - leaving them wondering and guessing for months after the fact instead. I mean, there are September 2021 cases still being actively adjudicated this week! I so feel for the people going through this mental BDSM - and I'm so terrified I'm about to be one of them myself. My week's cases are 40% approved - and there are plenty of approvals from cases 2 weeks past mine...
  7. It is extremely tough. Frankly, by now realizing that VJ is a commercial entity, I am surprised there aren't any ads for psychological help, for heavens know, we (still waiting to be adjudicated) all need it by now. It's so mind-boggling to look at people around oneself and realize that one of them might hold the power to choose whether to let you be happy or not. Remember, some phases of the process rely on offices outside of California. Stay strong. I've pretty much put my entire work-free life on hold, devoting it only to communication with my special other and to checking cases statuses. ... I'm pretty sure I'm voting against every incumbent during the next cycle. For no human should go through this.
  8. Looking at a lot of clean-up by USCIS thus far. Seems like cases are touched sporadically, while the tail-end of remaining 2021 cases are starting to pick up denials left and right. May cases are wavering around 30% approval rate so far, but it's very scattered. Fortunately, I haven't noticed much activity by the "additional RFE sent" officer in our month just yet, nor by "initial and additional RFE sent" officer. Those are brutal. Yes, after so much case-crunching, I feel like I can spot signatures of individuals. 😅
  9. We will prevail, outlast, and succeed. And one day we are all going to meet in NYC and toast to the fact that we made it. And we will make it so much further. Mic drop.
  10. It was so mesmerizing. Around 11 eastern (CSC opening timeframes), May 13th started to get touched. Around 2pm, Telegram chats reported May 16th. By business end, May 19th filers were speaking up on Facebook and whatnot. It's like a fine toothcomb went through the pile, carefully plucking every 8th case or so. The last time I was so on edge was during the last presidential election.
  11. What a day. USCIS touched pretty much every week in May today, sending hopes sky-high by mid-morning and numbing a few hearts by late afternoon as approvals rolled towards May 19th and beyond, but only for very select few.
  12. Oh man! The face one makes when a case just one number ahead of theirs gets approved. At the last moment on Friday, too. That's me right now #cliffhangerweekend
  13. P.S. I'm starting to notice that USCIS pages become magically available after 8pm EST / weekdays or during late afternoon on Saturdays. As in, after Cali Service Center wraps up work.
  14. Oh boy. First, thank you for the citation. It helps to know that people pay attention to one's work. Here's a painful moment to acknowledge, though. What I said wasn't a range from May 2nd... to whatnot. What I should have said (and I may or may not have yet) was, USCIS is carrying a quagmire of 11,500+ cases prior to May 2022. So, each opportunity they have to adjudicate a case has a sizeable chance of being wasted (and apologies to pre-May, 2022 files here) on a case that's not from this (May 2022) month. In fact, I see regular activity among 2021 cases with brand-new, day-old timestamps. I am on your side; I am a May 2022 filer praying and hoping to be approved anyday now. But. There's a mountain-level wave of filers ahead of us with just as many hopes and prayers. Stay strong. Stay brave. Remember that scene in "Patriot" where militia is asked to hold the line? Hold it.
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