EMR is electronic medical records. Now you need the vaccination records for when you go for your interview, so I don't think you need it to apply for NVC.
But if you need your vaccination records, you can go to the site https://www.healthgateway.gov.bc.ca/vaccinecardand fill in information. This should have your Covid vaccination records and if you've gotten other vaccinations in the province of BC in the last 10-15 years, it should be in there. That's said, at the medical exam, I believe the physician will do a tither test, which shows what vaccinations you had and what you still need. You can ask your NP to do the same test and they might do it. Each vaccination requirement is based on your age. (I think you can find information online about it). Again, I'm not a physician, so this isn't medical advice, but I do think the main vaccinations adults need are Tdap, MMR and Covid. If for some reason, you don't have the vaccinations I would still wait for the medical exam and once they tell you what vaccinations you do need, you can get it after at a travel clinic.