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  1. Thanks everyone! My DS expires in 3 months. Not sure if that's how they triage. Again, I think it's a blackbox and no one knows how they make the decisions. If you read the publications about this from Hake et al., they have been contemplating about the process since 1993, and no one figured it out yet.
  2. Guys... my wait has just ended! 😭 I checked yesterday (3/16/23) was pending, but just changed this morning. Stay hopeful!
  3. It’s back! Aaaaaand it’s PENDING 😭
  4. I can't access my case status... anybody facing such a problem?
  5. This is bizarre. Does the second Hardship case contain I-612? They may have filed two DS-3035's by mistake and just used one. Overall, bizarre. Unless it's a clerical error.
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