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Everything posted by Jotter

  1. They do, so maybe that's my best option, thank you!
  2. So I'm moving to the US in less than 2 months but my passport expires 4 months after I have moved (so in around 6 months from today). It sounds like I will need to bring a valid passport for the biometrics appointment later on but what if I don't get the appointment before the passport has expired? Renewing the passport once I'm in the US isn't a good option due to how far away the closest embassy/consulate is and I would prefer to not have to spend extra on flights shortly after moving. So my options are to either apply for an id after I have arrived, or renew the passport before I even move to the US. What would you guys recommend me to do? It's possible to enter the US showing both the old passport and the new passport, right?
  3. I'm currently filling out the I-134 form for the k1 visa interview but I switched jobs recently. Besides recent tax return & paystubs from my old job, I will probably need to include the offer letter for my new job as well since I don't have any paystubs yet. But in the offer letter, it says the duration is 12+ months (the offer will be extended in a year). Could this be a problem? Should I get a joint sponsor just in case?
  4. Thank you for your reply, it's very helpful. The offer letter for my new job says 12+ months (it's technically not a temporary position, but that's how it works at this company). Do you think that will be fine? Or should I just get a joint sponsor?
  5. I spent the first 3 months of this year at my old job, then I was unemployed for about 2 months (and I've had unemployment benefits during this time). Now I've started a new job and the K1 interview is coming up soon. Besides recent tax return & evidence of my new job, what else will I need? Do I need pay stubs from my old job? If so, is the most recent pay stub enough or will I need all pay stubs from this year? As for unemployment benefits, will I need any proof of that too? Also, for the annual income, they mean gross income before taxes, right? Thank you for any help!
  6. We received a RFE and they're asking for more evidence of us meeting along with a few missing pages. They want a signature and date but where should this be done? I saw that some people include a sort of cover letter where they respond to the RFE and outline the contents of the submitted evidence and end the letter with a signature. Would this be sufficient or should the signature be somewhere else?
  7. Thanks for this reply! We already included all of these (minus nr 4 since we don't typically use our own cards when visiting each other). But perhaps we need to include a few more receipts and more photos of us with family members/friends. That's really all I can think of
  8. That makes a lot of sense actually. Unfortunately I don't use my debit card when I visit since my bank charges me for every purchase, so instead I just transfer some money to my partner before the trip and then she uses her card for everything. I did book two tickets for us to visit a garden, I have the tickets and a bank statement + pictures of us in this garden. Could that be something to include? It's not necessarily proof though
  9. True, those were used more as evidence of a relationship rather than a visit. Do you know what else we could use to prove that we have met multiple times within the previous two years, besides boarding pass & entry stamps?
  10. The I-129f was sent in December 2022 and the last visit prior to that was in August 2022. You're probably right in that the form wasn’t filled in correctly. Do you think we need to send the entire application again or just the missing pages?
  11. We submitted the I-129F in December 2022 and just received an RFE. It says the submitted evidence do not establish each other's physical presence. It does say "as evidence to support the two year personal meeting requirement, you submitted booking details, text messages, boarding pass, pictures and intent to marry letters", yet it also says there is no evidence that we have met in the past 2 years....we did submit entry stamps from the passport but since they didn't mention them, I'm thinking they might have gotten lost or maybe we forgot to attach them. It also says "Your form I-129F is missing page 5, 6, 7 and 8. Complete all items on the form as per USCIS requirements and attached copy of the petition and include your signature and date. If any item does not apply, write "N/A" even though we did submit those pages. 1. What more could we submit as proof of meeting? We did describe our meetings but perhaps we need to be even more detailed? 2. Do we resubmit the whole application or do we just resubmit these missing pages and the requested evidence? Grateful for any kind of advice 🙏🏻
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