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Everything posted by Ranava14

  1. That makes me feel better. It’s been two months and nothing. Everyone seems to at least get some kind of notice of action but mine seems frozen. Even estimated time has disappeared. Did you file under 319 (b)?
  2. I filed N-400 about a month ago (under 319 b) My last and only biometrics appointment was for my Reentry permit in June of 2023. I was expecting for my biometrics to be reused but also prepared to fly to the states for a biometrics appointment. (Last time I got my appointment a week after filing) Now I am reading everyone’s experience and it seems like every single person I see gets either biometrics reuse notice or a biometrics appointment within the first few days. For me it’s been a month and the case is just stuck on “Receipt notice sent” Receipt notice just says I will be getting a biometrics appointment letter. As I am not in the states and all my mail is sent to my mil’s house I am starting to worry that a letter was sent and it’s been overlooked or went missing in the mail. Has anyone had a similar experience? Do you think I’ll get my appointment letter in the mail or online also? Last time it only came in the mail with less than a week notice and I had to drop everything and book a flight to make it there on time. I wish there was a way to contact USCIS to make sure a letter wasn’t sent that never made it to me. thanks for any input in advance
  3. I wanted to put an update for future readers. I ended up filing for reenty permit when I was in the states for two weeks. I just had to make sure that the packet I filed was received before I left the country so I filed as soon as I got there. By the time I left the case had been received. I ended up having to fly back for my biometrics appointment on short notice and only stayed for three days which was tiring but it all worked out. I did end up filing for naturalization but this way I had plenty of time and no stress and was able to do it right without worrying. Hope this helps!
  4. I wanted to give an update for future readers. My reentry permit case was approved on July 13th 2024. Hope this helps.
  5. Anyone here file under 319 (b)? I filed under 319 (b) on July 16th at Washington Field Office. So far nothing. I got a receipt notice and that's it. I didn't do biometrics for green card either because I filed at the consulate but I did get them done a year ago for reentry permit so I really hoped they'd reuse mine. Especially because I have to fly to the U.S to get them done every time and then again for the interview. I'm seeing everyone get biometric reuse or appointment so quickly and it's been six days for me and so far nothing. So maybe it's a 319 (b) thing?
  6. Thanks! That is a long processing time. I had no idea it was that long. I’m planning to apply under 319 (b) I just have to wait because he has to have at least one year left on his contract which he does not currently x when/if contract renews I will apply immediately.
  7. Got my green card on Christmas of last year. My husband works in Europe supporting DOD. His contract might end may 2024 or might extend for a few more years. In order to keep my gc while we wait to find out and living in Europe I applied for Reentry permit in may 2023. Got biometrics taken for the first time ever in June 2023. It’s now October and my case status hasn’t changed from “fingerprints were taken” Every google search result says something wildly different regarding the processing time. I have yet to find two sources that say the same thing. So I figured I’d ask on here. Maybe someone on here has gone through the same process before. How long does this take in your experience? I am planning to apply for citizenship but I can’t do it just yet. I’ll have to wait until may. If we stay I can apply but if we come back to America I’ll have to wait. thanks in advance for any insight.
  8. I’m so frustrated because no one can give me any information and I’m hoping and praying someone here will be of help. My husband is stationed in Germany as a defense contractor working for the military. We filed for the GC while living in Germany and I received it in December. Since receiving it I’ve had at least three people (including consulate officer and border officer) tell me not to stay in Germany too long or they’ll consider my GC abandoned. I’ve told them we’re on orders and will return to the u.s after our tour is over. They will say it doesn’t matter. I ask them what to do instead they tell me they don’t know. I don’t think I’m able to file N-400 because you’re supposed to have over one year left on your contract overseas at the time of naturalization. We barely have a year left now so if naturalization takes around 9 months at least, that would only leave us with 3 months. I fly to the states every one or two months but apparently that’s not enough. We’ll be stationed in Germany for one more year, how do I go about keeping my GC until we either move or get out contract renewed so I can file for n-400 319 (b)? Reentry permit is not really a possibility as I am not ever in the states for long enough at a time to file for it. Especially since no one knows exactly how long it takes and you have to be in the states while filing. Ive read so many times that you are not considered to be abandoning your GC while you’re on sofa and official orders but the border agent today did not care about my sofa card or my orders and he also couldn’t tell me at all what the exact rules are. I’m so confused and would love any insight. I apologize if this is not the right place to post or if something is difficult to understand.
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