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Everything posted by Orzo

  1. Hello all! I'm in the process of organizing all of my documents for NVC (waiting on Japanese police cert to hit submit). As I was reviewing our package, I realized that we forgot to mention an address that my wife (beneficiary) had while she studied abroad in Australia (homestay). She maintained her address in Japan the whole time. This is the only address she's ever had outside of her home country (Japan) . Luckily, she only stayed there for 5 months and 20 days so no police report is needed. What's the best course of action? Wait for DQ and contact the consulate? Tell them at the interview? Contact the NVC ASAP? I know many ds260 mistakes can be fixed during the interview, but I just want to be sure that spending time in another country 8 years ago isn't one of the "big" mistakes that can't be fixed! Thanks for any advice!
  2. Hello everyone! I didn't see a thread for us April folks yet. We are almost 3 months into our wait! Time is actually going by fairly quickly for me. Probably because I'm overworked... Submitted: April 20,2022 Online NOA1: April 20,2022 Immediately after submitting. Looking forward to reading your stories and getting approved with all of you!
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