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Everything posted by Buc-ee

  1. I am now in this same situation. Wife entered March 2024 and received CR1 instead of IR1. I immediately filed I90 and now have "We scheduled biometrics". It's scheduled for Aug 30th But you're telling me they wont actually send the CR1 until TWO YEARS later?
  2. @Karan Mehta Hey sir, did you ever get this resolved? Was the I-90 the final result? My wife is flying into Texas (alone, which I think is a mistake now) and I am afraid this will happen.
  3. Hey I'm in a similar situation. Did you end up getting this resolved? If so, how?
  4. Do I upload the tax transcript to NVC before the interview or just bring it along with the 1040 tax return they already accepted? > Definitely upload the offer letter, but how is it you intend to qualify as sponsor. Joint Sponsor and Household member > An offer letter is not enough. I have more than an offer letter
  5. EDIT: Want to add that the new 2022 tax transcript AGI matches 'Most Recent AGI' on my original I-864 Page 5 Part 6 line 24a. Also, my Current Household Income still = $0 because my Korean income will not be used to support the applicant. So I don't believe I need an updated I-864 I'm reading here that I shouldn't update even the tax transcript. Just bring it along But I should probably upload the US offer letter?
  6. Seoul Center. Already have interview date scheduled in 30 days exactly. Updates since then: 1. Signed new contract with Korean company at higher income 2. I'm leaving the Korean job in 1 month when I move to US and have signed offer letter with US company 3. Got 2022 tax transcript finally. Originally submitted 1040 return with all schedules + letter from my accountant explaining all sorts of stuff (such as no W-2, FEIE etc) Questions 1. Do I need to upload the new tax transcript? 2. Do I also bring the 1040 and all that prior stuffs? 3. Do I need to bring my current Korean contract? (will only have ONE pay period Jan at higher income then I'm quitting) 4. Upload the new US job letter since to solidify domicile? I already uploaded my drivers license, accounts, credit card, bills, etc. Thanks y'all
  7. Neither. I actually checked "same as physical address" then rewrote the exact thing in the Mailing Address. I would think that checking the box + writing N/A is sufficient but all I know is what I did worked
  8. Thank you! In case others read this, I followed Loading's advice - Re-did mine (main sponsor) I864 with ink signature, joint sponsor I864 & household I864a (needed black ink instead of blue and I added N/A in ALL empty fields). - I resubmitted these under their appropriate titles in Additional Documents on Oct 29th - Was DQ'd just 5 days later on Nov 4th Now waiting for interview to be scheduled.
  9. hi same situation here. How did you upload the corrected version? After pressing submit the i864 under Required Documents is locked. Can’t be edited or deleted or reuploaded. Did you submit a 2nd i864 under Additional Documents, and that was accepted?
  10. hey I’m in your exact situation. - Did uploading as “additional documents” end up working out? - Were you ever able to contact nvc and get them to unlock the i864 file upload for you? Have main, joint, and i864A all signed in blue ink. Had no idea had to be black for signature. I will lose my job in US if we must wait 3 months just to be rejected and then resubmit and wait 3 more months. So I’m trying to delete/re up oad the “required” i864 but there’s no edit or delete arrow. Otherwise I’ll have to redo all three i864 and upload as additional documents. Even then, I have no idea if they’d accept that.
  11. I submitted last night with electronic signature. Now, the i864 upload section is not editable. It's still possible to upload "Form i864 Affidavit of Support" in the "Additional Documents" section, though (see photo). My question is will this actually work and be accepted? I'm not concerned it will reset my current timeline since I just submitted last night. Context: I want to know if my new reality is I have to wait months to review, agent ignore the correct version in Additional Documents, get rejected, then have to resubmit and wait more months.
  12. Those less than 6 months things are not accurate. Yes you will find 1/30 get NOA2 within 6 months but the official processing times on the USCIS website are accurate: 12-14 months. So you should expect that. I myself am 10 months in.
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