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Immigration Info

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    K-1 Visa
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  1. Thank you for all the information. I’m going to look over all of links and suggestions that have been given when I’m off of work. I appreciate the help.
  2. Thank you for your replies. But my question has less to do if he will qualify and more to do if it is allowed. In the paperwork that we signed for him to immigrate here, it said that the immigrant was not to be a ward of the state. Or something along those lines. I don’t recall the exact wording. But basically he wasn’t entitled to government benefits, like food stamps, etc. My concern is that Medicaid would be considered along these lines and that if he was to receive it, it could possibly cause problems in the future when he applies for his five year green card. We are really trying to do everything by the book and don’t want to do anything that could potentially causes issues in the future. However, if Medicaid is allowed in our situation, that would really be beneficial to us.
  3. Our background: My husband came to the United States on a K1 visa a year ago. We are married and he is a permanent resident now. He recently got a part time job. (It took awhile for someone to give him a chance so this is his best option at the moment.) However, being part time, he does not receive any benefits with this job. He needs health insurance. I get my insurance through my state which is Oregon’s Medicaid. I have always been under the impression that he is not suppose to be on any type of government aid. That he is essentially 100% my responsibility. Is this true regarding Medicaid? Or is it allowed for him to join Medicaid?
  4. I’m the US citizen and my husband arrived here on a K1 visa. We were married the following month and I took my husband’s name. Do I need to inform USCIS of my name change prior to submitting the AOS paperwork? Also, some of my documents such as passport still have my maiden name. Will that be an issue?
  5. Put in a public inquiry: https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/visa-information-resources/ask-nvc.html In my opinion, it’s a little early to start putting in public inquiries. I waited 30 days before I started sending mine and then sent a new one after I received the answer which was typically that they have it and are waiting to input the data. It took around 90 days for us before NVC sent it to our embassy.
  6. I appreciate your reply. That was exactly what I was looking for. Should we send 1 year of taxes or 3?
  7. First I would like to say I have read the guides here and have done a lot of research regarding this before posting. Ty! My fiancé has summited the DS-160, paid the interview fee and has scheduled his K1 visa interview. It will be at the end of September in Algiers, Algeria. Neither of us have received an email from the embassy with instructions. (I assume this would be the packet 3.) I have emailed the embassy asking for this information but I have not heard back from them yet. I am trying to send my fiancé the needed documentation from my side such as the I-134 and supporting documentation but I don’t know what the embassy exactly wants. We will need to have a joint sponsor and I’ve started to gather some things from them as well. The wording on the instructions for the I-134 form says: “Evidence should consist of copies of any of the documents listed below that apply.” And “Submit in duplicate evidence of income and resources, as appropriate:” It goes on to list: 1.) Statements from an officer of the bank or other financial institutions with deposits, identifying the following details regarding the account; A. Date account opened; B. Total amount deposited for the past year; and C. Present Balance 2. Statement(s) from your employer on business stationary showing: A. Date and nature of employment; B. Salary paid; and C. Whether the position is temporary or permanent. (I’ve read elsewhere to also include copies of your last two pay stubs and your previous W-2 for the associated employer if available.) 1. Copy of last U.S. federal income tax return filed (tax transcript); or 2. List containing serial numbers and denominations of bond and name of record owner(s). So far I have received the statement from our joint sponsor’s employer with the required information outlined above. They also gave me two W2 forms and two copies showing deposits. Later I’ll also get their taxes. I showed our joint sponsor the list and they think the bank information isn’t necessary and is repetitive. More so because they said all of their deposits are automatic and the information seems out dated. That the employment information they gave me is enough. So I came here to ask if what they have gave me will be sufficient. Which is the following: - Employment Statement w/salary and position information. - Two recent W-2 - Two recent deposit (like a pay stub) - U.S. federal income tax return from previous year. (Soon to receive this.) Thank you and sorry for the long read.
  8. Thank you, and I hope you get yours soon as well. In each inquiry, I’ve mentioned how long we have been waiting and shown the first inquiry response saying it was waiting for data entry. Unfortunately, it hasn’t made a difference for us.
  9. Yes, that is what I have done every time and I’ve made several public inquiries and have one ongoing. I had hoped NVCReseach would have looked into my case like they have for so many others. But it felt like I got a generic response without them even reading my email.
  10. We are at 92 days now waiting for our case number. My first inquiry came back June 29th saying it was waiting for data entry. I’ve sent many public inquiries since then. I just reached out to NVC research and they told me to make a public inquiry and didn’t help at all. 🤨 Surffice to say, I am pretty disappointed.
  11. Noa1 03/30/22 Noa2 05/02/23 I put in an inquiry last week Thursday and just got a reply today. To Whom it Concerns: The National Visa Center (NVC) recently received your immigrant visa petition from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). Your petition is now waiting for data entry into our systems. Getting closer!
  12. I just double checked my copy of the package I sent in (I-129f) and the only contact information USCIS asked for of the beneficiary was the their mailing address. So is NVC going to snail mail them sometime? I was under the impression from the Noa2 letter that I, the partitioner, would receive a letter from NVC by mail. 🤔
  13. It’s the same on Reddit. People seem to just not want to accept that things are improving. It’s odd frankly.
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