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See all updates by Chanan1111

  1. This is my  update right now.

    Since we have known that we will receive NOID, We hired a new lawyer who had worked on cases like this before to help us prepare our response to USCIS.


    April 1, 2023 We hired a new lawyer.

    April 11, 2023 We started preparing the documents as the lawyer told us to.

    October 27, 2023 We received NOID, They gave us 87 days to respond. 

    January 5, 2024 Our lawyer sends all documents to USCIS.

    January 8, 2024 Response to USCIS' Request for Evidence Was Received 

    And that's the current status right now.

    1. JeanneAdil


      You may not be seeing a follow up of members going thru the same issue as they did not succeed with a waiver as the Law for immigration under the AWA is strict

      Although a lawyer will take your money,its  pretty hard to overcome the  immigration law when it is in place to protect the immigrant

      Are u sure it was a NOID / USCIS suggests a NOIR which is revoked petition 


       Under the 2006 Adam Walsh Act (AWA), certain U.S. citizens and legal permanent residents who have been convicted of a “specified offense against a minor” are preventing from sponsoring family members for immigration purposes. This means a fiance, spouse, child, sibling, niece/nephew or parent will not be allowed to obtain a green card or immigrate to the United States to be with his or her family member if that family member has a qualifying conviction. 


      it may help your understanding of the problems faced with an AWA if you read thru the following site 



      this is very hard to face and i do wish you well 

      God bless u


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