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Everything posted by Marshae04

  1. Lord! That was a trick question he should’ve never said that smh he should’ve said no. They do anything to prolong the process. If the income wasn’t already documented then he should’ve just said no. Now they might asked for the IRS returns etc and if you didn’t report it then it’s ever more issues. God! I really Wish he said no. But they throw in trick questions they did my husband like that. Kept asking him dumb questions that didn’t make sense and trying to put words in his mouth.
  2. All he has to do is follow the instructions they gave him along with his passport and drop it off. I know It’s discouraging and frustrating because you waited so long and still don’t have an exact answer or visa. Just try and calm down and submit everything they asked him to bring back. If you don’t mind me asking what we’re the items he had to bring back?
  3. I overstand! the CO can be very mean and judgemental, but try not to worry we were on Adminstrative processing for 3 wks before we got a decision it was a rollercoaster of emotions. They finally did issue him his visa after 3 wks they took his passport. As long as they took his passport that's a good sign
  4. Our status went back and forth for three weeks before being issued. It went from refused to ready back to AP back to refused to ready then finally issued smh the whole thing was so exhausting and confusing. We both were an emotional wreck
  5. That’s insane! I’m sorry you’re going through the unnecessary stress
  6. They may reject the form and have you fill it out again with the correction. They rejected my I130 form because I didn't put a physical signature, but it took them almost 3 months to catch the error. Once I fixed it and resubmitted the form it took them almost 6 additional months just to view the form and DQ us, But that was during the pandemic so things changed. They may or may not see the error hopefully they don't notice it.
  7. Any Updates? Sorry for the late response........
  8. Yes!!! He’s finally home praise God they approved his visa last week after 3wks of being on Administrative Processing he came home yesterday 🙏🏽❤️
  9. Rehearsed?! 🙄 and over prepared wow so if you know you’re going to your interview and certain documents are required you wouldn’t bring everything you’re supposed to bring? Who purposely don’t come prepared for an immigration interview? When you’re married for real you know your spouse there’s no need to rehearse anything 🙄😂
  10. I feel your pain hopefully we'll hear some good news soon 😃
  11. LOL Okay.......sure thanks for being positive
  12. I'm glad your process went smoothly for you praying for the same results soon 🙂
  13. With all due respect please don't tell me to relax this is a platform where we are allowed to ask questions and vent correct? You don't know my situation It's been a long 2 and a half years we're in this back and forth confusing process and I am relaxed I'm just frustrated, to say the least. I am very busy with work, school, and my children. I'm human I get frustrated I'm allowed to. My husband and I romance is just fine we're in a great space. So please if you're going to be rude I'll rather that you don't say anything at all......Keep your advice respectfully
  14. Ok I'll wait until the end of this week and see if anything changes Thank you so much!!
  15. Just checked the status this morning it went from AP to Ready to schedule an interview 😨😵 #######!!! We had the interview almost 2wks ago now it's back to ready to schedule an interview!!!!???? 😭
  16. 😟 That is crazy Thank you so much! Hopefully we'll have so good news soon
  17. Wow!!! 😟I wonder what can be the hold up Have you tried emailing them?
  18. I would really hope and pray that isn't our situation cause that's insane! The website clearly states that they can't hold your passport after 60 days when it's in AP
  19. Are they saying anything to you guys? Are they telling you that you're missing documents?
  20. What!!! no way? They still have her passport? I thought they have to give a response within 60 days? You mean tell me that they have held her passport for almost a year? And still nothing? That sounds fishy have you tried to contact them by email or phone? This is the first ive heard of this situation
  21. Ohhhhh Gotcha! from what others where telling me is that they knew their status the day of before they left the interview, and they got their visas like 2-3 days later, but then again people can tell you anything right? But what you just said makes perfect sense.
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