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Everything posted by Truth_Seeker

  1. My wife's interview last year was to be at 12:50. It wasn't until around 3 pm. Note, I think they were squeezing her in because we were flying into Seattle from Germany. Anyhow, even after the 3 Pm interview, she could have been sworn in, since we saw the theater filling up with people. However, they said they couldn't approve her that day since her file had to be reviewed by a certain person. So she wasn't sworn in until the day after the next day. Note, they knew we were flying back to Germany within a few days and we needed to get her a U.S. Passport as part of our trip to the U.S. So, with that said, I think it is possible depending on your interview. My wife's interview was only about 15 or 20 min. Just long enough for the test and a couple of questions. Note, she was exempted from having to prove length of marriage, or length of residency in the U.S. She only had her green Card for about 5 months before she became a citizen and had only spent a total of a month in the U.S. So, the interview apart from taking the exam was pretty much pro forma. And I never really understood why she needed a special approver other than they don't get many people who are exempted from most of the requirements to become a citizen. So, your interview might take a bit longer. Or not. I noticed that others who went in would go in for quite some time, and had to go back in for a second time. So, I think each case is unique.
  2. We got one of those. Since we were flying in from Germany, and an IO had reached out to us via Email to originally schedule our date to coincide with when we would be back in the states, I just emailed him back and he got us our appointment back. However, before he did that I saw that they had scheduled us for a new time nine days later. With that said, hopefully they will reschedule you soon.
  3. My wife passed the interview but the interviewer said that someone else had to approve it. Do no oath ceremony today. We told him we are scheduled to go back home on 2O Dec 2022. He said he would try to get it approved by in a few days. Fyi we filed under 319b. Anyone else experienced anything similar?
  4. So hopefully wife will be a citizen on Monday, and we need to get her a passport since we will be flying out the following week. Has anyone have any experience with getting a rush passport in Seattle?
  5. I would not bring it up. It is not relevant to the interview, and could only cause confusion.
  6. Thank you so much for relaying your experience. I was a bit concerned that she may not be able to get her oath in. But I am pretty sure it will work out. Thanks again.
  7. Hello So, we are flying to Seattle from Germany for an appointment on 12 December 2022. My wife has an appointment at 12:50. And we have tickets to fly back home to Germany on 20 December 2022. So, a question for those who have Naturalized through the Seattle office already. Do you think there will be a problem for her getting her oath done on the same day?
  8. So, I found the 800 number useless. Prior to my interview being scheduled we were contacted via email a person that is dedicated for N400 case for the military. And he asked us when we would be available for interview. When the interview was cancelled we eventually ended up contacting him, and he restored the original date and time. So, if you had someone email you asking you when you would be in the states, I would try to get ahold of them.
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