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Everything posted by AMK2021

  1. Thank you, I will definitely do it to protect my baby!! Waited and tried so hard for this person for 3 years just to see how horribly it came to end... I will keep you updated. Hopefully there is good news in just few months that this is all over. I am hoping after filing and final papers signed he just disappears.
  2. I'm assuming I also can't report him for fraud or anything like that? He does have the 10 year gc and honestly I just want to be rid of him from my life but just thought to ask.
  3. I am definitely looking into it... what typically happens is the man registers only 1 wife to the authorities but marries alot "religiously" unregistered. That would be great tho if that could be found out.
  4. Ok thank you so much. I will not worry about the I 864 too much but have discussed the situation regarding his immigration I864 with the divorce lawyer. Maybe an immigration lawyer is needed too?
  5. Hi Everyone, I got married 3 years ago to a Pakistani (PK) man (both now 32). I am American/Pakistani lineage citizen and he has just been in US for 4 months (it took time with visa process/covid). The long-distance was a little hard and created issues. There were some red flags - he was not the most responsible person and I never met his friends - but I met coworkers and his family. I visited a total of 7 times during that process and spend sometimes a month there, I had to switch jobs often bc there's not much vacation time in USA for that kind of long travel. I always tried my hardest to make it work out. The last trip I visited I got pregnant and currently am in third trimester. Since he arrived in USA, he has been such a different person. Immediately after coming in June, he would threaten to divorce me over every little thing - he would say he is going to get a white girl. He would threaten me financially to show me my bank balance and student loans. He would pressure me so much my heart rate would increase and he would start slamming doors and the table and swearing. He did not believe I had loans bc I am a doctorate here (6 figure earning). Throughout this period, he has not cared a little bit about me or the baby coming. He doesnt care even if I dont eat from 11 am to 9 pm and yells at me if I say lets stop for lunch (while on a trip). He keeps me up late at night to make sure I buy on Amazon something he wants (will not let me sleep till I do it - sometimes it is 3 am). I failed my gestational diabetes 1 hour test and he was basically upset and kept on saying I specefically need to eat more carbs and sugar despite knowing the harms if it is uncontrolled. He has called baby's ultrasound not normal (when everything is hopefully) which caused a huge huge fight. He has said such awful things to me and explodes over every little thing. I feel like I am not the same person as I was just before he came. He got a minimum wage job (10 dollars hourly) and refuses to contribute to any bill and says he has loans back home. Even just little things like paying phone bill or internet bill would mean alot but nothing. When I ask him will you get this for the baby? He straight up says no. I have tried and compromised on everything 100%.Then this week, I came to find out he regularly smokes marijuana daily (illegal in my state) and is a cheater too. I did not dig - his public profiles he is messaging those types of girls (onlyfan type) asking them if they are from the same state. He kept his PK phone and a US one and takes both of the phones with him even in the shower and they are locked. Then just recently I saw on his PK phone he is messaging a girl with 30 heart emojis and sending voice memos. I confronted him as he said he wanted to go back in November to Pakistan, a month before my due date. He lied on the messaging girls and marijuana but eventually admitted everything when I said I had proofs. When I asked for his phone to see his PK lady. He refused that which was the biggest tell and returned 2 hours later with phone deleted most likely and had removed that ladies chats from whatsapp (her image/chat was not there). I believe this lady is the person he is sending money to and is his more serious relationship. Most likely he may already be married to her and have kids from how he acts and how protective he was to hide her. I left to be at my parents nearby and he has not messaged or called once and is snapchatting and doesnt care about me or baby at all. I would never believe this is how it turned out. I would never get married to him if I knew. I will be divorcing him but am so sad about this and sad for my daughter. I know I can give her a beautiful life alone and am trying to be strong. She would seriously get messed up with this guy as a father and seeing how little he treats me. He turned out to be just a gold digger, cheating, narcissist, abusive, bum person. I don't think anything he is doing is new - he was probably always like that and acting for the few weeks I would visit at a time. I have already started talking to lawyers and getting things going hopefully and hope its peaceful but can go either way. My baby gives me courage and strength bc I would never want her to be treated like I am, but it breaks me down and crying multiple times a day over here... A few questions - he received his 10 year gc and does this 10 dollar job under the table (being paid only cash - no social security pays or w2/etc). He is very attracted to alot of illegal things...I am so worried I am going to get in trouble through this process of being his sponsor. I am assuming I am stuck being his sponsor even after divorce but I believe his pay yearly is above the 125% minimum so how much do I have to add on that after the divorce? If he gets in trouble with law after divorce, will I be held liable?
  6. Do we have to bring petitioner's documents if we submitted them already to ceac? (I864, W2, recent paystubs, domicile) I already submitted, do copies need to be printed and brought for interview of everything?
  7. Thank you so much Podeena.
  8. Yes both are required within a year of you medical as valid certificates for both polio and covid. They're quick to do and needed for the medical (they ask for the certificates).
  9. For relationship pictures I had a question? I've collated an 8 page pdf with pictures throughout my visits chronologically by visit/dates. Does every single picture need date/location/ who is in the picture (if its family or friends)? I have described at the first instance of a relative in a picture (example parents/siblings) but then do not keep on repeating it for every picture together with family? Is that ok? Also my DQ is Aug 4 2022 for whoever asked!
  10. Our interview is April 1st alhumdullah and my husband was only able to get an medical exam confirmation for Aziz Medical Center for 28 March?? They kept on saying they are fully booked and thats the only day that week. Will this cause issues?
  11. Well we do not know what the embassy has decided. You can track the recent interview letters on the PAK USA Immigration account (https://www.instagram.com/pakusaimmigration/) and other facebook groups. They have not given any updates for IR category for interview dates, which is slower than usual, but inshallah can hope for the best.
  12. I am so worried they wont give interview letters for IR this month, I was in line too for early August 2022 DQ. IDK what is wrong with the embassy that they will always avoid making any meaningful progress for IR category.
  13. Congrats @Kuchiki! I hope they gave IR interview letters soon for April inshallah, such a stressful embassy.
  14. Yes it is not easy but alhumdullah they are speeding up so inshallah the interview times will get shorter soon it wont be 2 years for you inshallah...praying all couples/families get reunited soon.
  15. Alhumdullah they are making good progress this month...inshallah I get soon too it's so close!
  16. Ok thank you so much! He did the original covid shots but not polio, thank you!
  17. Ok thank you!
  18. Does it say on IL that both COVID 19 and Polio vaccination has to be done before medical exam? Or will it be done at the medical?
  19. There are still 2 weeks of February free for the interview dates...not sure what the embassy is doing inshallah Kuchiki you get interview soon..so close!. 🙏
  20. Praying that interview letters for IR categories come on Monday.... I have so much anxiety about that embassy. They sent interviews for other categories last week but not IR.
  21. The only embassy which will prioritize visit visas over IR categories.....
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