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  1. You need to make contact by email once a year with NVC while it’s still w them . Log into CEAC , they say say is sufficient. But you should send a request to delay interview via Ask NVC …say one year in advance. 2. If they schedule w Abu Dhabi, you email and request one year delay . Most cases they tell you to reschedule after you miss the interview. But as long as you email back and forth once a year, you can delay it a few years w no problem.
  2. Dang, that was quick: changed cities, quit job starts new job in new city overnight ! Let’s see, she left home in fear of you, cause you yell. ‘She doesn’t trust you ( not to hurt her) and doesn’t feel “ safe “ with you to give you her address. Guess what…she just made it really difficult for you to serve her annulment/divorce papers. You will have to have you attorney draw up and when ready to serve , invite her for that “ date” she asked for and tell process server to show up. There is no marriage to save here, let it go As for her immigration scenario: Pay Attention Please. She will be okay. 1. TPS is over but ICE won’t pick her up because she has pending asylum 2. If ( when) she looses her asylum claim, she gets to DESIGNATE a country for removal . ..so hopefully she manages w Costa Rica to accept.
  3. I have no problem with fighting windmills. Makes life interesting especially if you can do it with a mate. Assuming you have a win at end of process ( 2 years at USCIS, NVC pay fee, file I-601 and easy 2-3 years) you have told him what up ahead. Have him join you on this thread…perhaps you can make decisions together.
  4. @CyberCat, I am not convinced of your intentions . 1. You clearly knew , you needed an analysis in hand before getting started. Easy 5 years ahead and a denial at end of the road. 2. You have been in between jobs , struggled to pay $375 consult fee and now seem to have hired 2 attorneys. ..but took a job that restricts you from traveling out of US. ..odd **‘Are you planning to pay them when your husband gets victim compensation? **If you want to love , support and spend time with your husband, then get go live with/near him. Find a way…otherwise you are just filling his head with smoke….and scenario feels like a romance story . Link to honor the victims..won’t help at all with Inadmissibility. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c4ng6jjz6jpo Some 200,000 children, young people and vulnerable adults suffered abuse while in state and faith-based care in New Zealand over the last 70 years, a landmark investigation has found. It means almost one in three children in care from 1950 to 2019 suffered some form of abuse, including being subject to rape, electric shocks and forced labour, according to the Abuse in Care Royal Commission of Inquiry. The publication of the commission's final report follows a six-year investigation into the experiences of nearly 3,000 people. Many of those abused have come from disadvantaged or marginalised communities, including Māori and Pacific people, as well as those with disabilities. The findings come as vindication for a people who have found themselves facing down powerful officialdom, the state, and religious institutions - and often struggling to be believed. Faith-based institutions often had higher rates of sexual abuse than state care, the inquiry found. Civil and faith leaders fought to cover up abuse by moving abusers to other locations and denying culpability, with many victims dying before seeing justice, the report said. I cannot take away your pain, but I can tell you this: you are heard and you are believed." He added that it was too soon to reveal how much the government expected to pay victims in compensation. He said he would offer a formal apology on 12 November. Speaking to the BBC, Grant Robertson, a former deputy prime minister who was involved in commissioning the report, said it had been a "long time coming".
  5. ‘found link but my format is too funky and will be striked down by mods …blind and boomer 😂 Either way, there is enough eye witness and Univision footage coming out to scare me a bit. I try to avoid the “Patty Mayo ‘’ made for tv-shock-em-sock-( inserted and deleted 35 descriptives)
  6. There is No Way a self respecting US based Immigration Attorney would ever condone that cash grab by the foreign fiancé 😂 I can only imagine the upcoming $$ attorney will asking for soon
  7. Yesterday they had 2 AMA by ISO on Reddit , one for attorneys one for non. He not so subtly hinted , big changes imminent and getting back in for someone w prior ULP may not be a sure thing Urgent Travel Warning: Advance Parole Holders Facing Unexpected Denials At U.S. Entry Points Copy By Cardinal Concepts | January 29, 2025 https://gldlaw.com/urgent-travel-warning-advance-parole-holders-facing-unexpected-denials-at-us-entry-points-copy/ …
  8. If you read it again , each paper paper says : This not the final BIA decision ( but you are winning ) and will get another notice, This what the opposition now thinks, send it back to Field Office Director to re open I-130 Now if the attorney had also filed an I-290B to preserve the I-485 , that is good. ‘If not , you will just reapply for I-485 when you get BIA Final Decision Notice.
  9. They are going to reopen the I-130 , that part you don’t re file. Are in the US? Or home country ?
  10. https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/mexican-president-orders-retaliatory-tariffs-against-us-2025-02-02/ Mexico has been preparing possible retaliatory tariffs on imports from the U.S., ranging from 5% to 20%, on pork, cheese, fresh produce, manufactured steel and aluminum, according to sources familiar with the matter. The auto industry would initially be exempt, they said. https://www.fmprc.gov.cn/eng/xw/fyrbt/lxjzh/202502/t20250202_11548196.html
  11. In your heart and mind, you know this was a creep ? I thought you would be mad…not sad. https://ampyxcyber.com/newsarchive/scammers-are-stealing-peoples-faces-for-live-video-calls
  12. I am here to say , Congratulations In Advance ! I do believe they have just processed and approved your case! Just looked at “ case closed” glitch you mentioned…and everything points to good news.
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