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About gotcha

  • Birthday 07/26/1963

Profile Information

  • City
    south africa
  • Interests
    Painting,drawing , badminton, squash, walking, and love reading autobiographies. (bookworm at times)

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
  • Place benefits filed at
  • Country
    South Africa
  • Our Story
    I met Kelley online in March 2006, We chatted daily for 15 months on the net and on the phone. Then at the end of May 2007 I visited him in the USA for 3 glorious months. We immediately knew we wanted to get married. I returned to South Africa at the end of August 2007. I had to return as I had been seperated from my ex since January 2006 and he would not give me a divorce. I have now started divorce procedures and hopefully by the end of this year it will be over. Then I can start my new life with the one person that makes me feel whole. We are both hoping that this will go over quickly. Then i see that the time period to get a fiancee visa is up to 2 years when i checked it on the web.. I thought i would die with horror, but the more i look into it the more i see that most people have this over and done with in about 6 months .. So here hoping that once i have my little piece of paper saying i'm free that it will take as little time as possible as I want to be back with Kelley so fast and get on with my life with him and the two most beautiful little girls i have the been given the honor of them calling me mom.
    His family have embraced me as one of their own . He has 3 sisters that have made me feel like one of them, a definite plus when they are on my side ..hahaha.
    I was born in england and came to south africa at the age of 14 so most of my life has been spent in this country that is vast and beautiful but my heart lays with kelley who unfortunetly lives thousands of miles away from me and that is where i plan to be this time next year in 2008 with the help of people on here, family and god..

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