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Everything posted by Ctavarez90

  1. In regards to my case, my joint sponsor filed taxes jointly with his spouse but she didn’t earn income. So I didn’t add her to the I-864 or submit an I-864A as many people suggested I do. However I did have his spouse fill out an I-864A and took it with me to the interview in case they asked for it. They did not so I did not give it to them and we got approved no problem. This happens to a lot of people.
  2. From what I have seen they just sent out interviews this month for people DQ in Nov 2022. They were getting interviews scheduled for August
  3. Hello everyone! My mother in law has an appointment for her tourist visa on June 4, 2024. But she would like for her appointment to be sooner. Is there any way we can get her appointment scheduled sooner?
  4. Hey there! I was in the same position as you. But I went ahead and had my joint sponsor spouse fill out the i864A and made a copy of her passport. I took them to the interview we had just this past May 4th. However our CO didn’t ask for it. But I was happy I had it just in case they may have asked so I didn’t risk delaying our case. I would recommend taking it just to be on the safe side. It doesnt hurt!
  5. Yes eventually it fixed for her after about a week
  6. Yes I got my interview letter on March 16. Our interview is for beginning of May. I know it is discouraging and frustrating but hang in there. I know it is hard but the reward is so much greater
  7. Hey everyone. So I’m trying to help a friend that is having an issue on their CEAC portal. She went to request a joint sponsor and is still waiting on them to give her the go ahead and say he’s approved and she can start uploading his stuff. Which has already been a week which is weird because it usually only takes an hour or a few at the most. But not only that when she goes to try and upload her financial documents the page is redirecting her to her husbands civil documents page and won’t even take her to her financial page. She has sent inquiries to NVC and they have not responded with anything helpful. She’s getting frustrated because she wants to start this process so she can get DQ and be in line for an interview. Does anyone have any helpful information or experience this before????
  8. I just got my interview letter last Thursday! My interview is scheduled for the beginning of May. Super excited and thankful that this process is almost over and that my husband will be home soon
  9. They usually give out interviews for two days each month. So I’m not exactly sure. But I’m hoping they speed up so that they can decrease the backlog that they have. I hope everything goes well with your delivery
  10. I know. It use to be about 2.5-3 months around the summer and fall of last year but then they got behind. Hoping they start to catch back up for everybody else that is still waiting. I know that they have cleared up to at least Oct 27 DQ this round when they gave out interviews
  11. My DQ date was Oct 19. So I was waiting almost 5 months for this letter
  12. Hey! We just got our interview letter for beginning of May! I’m not sure how long the wait is for your category. Wish I had more information to give you. Good luck!
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