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  1. I ended up overstaying by 3 weeks due to my AOS package getting lost. Mailing a new one, do I need an I-130 now? Thank you
  2. Yeah I'm wondering if I waited 3 more weeks and wanted to send another if I could get them to cancel the first one or maybe if I just told my bank not to accept the charge, if that would stop it? I'm really worried that it is lost and that it could end up arriving months later. No idea what to do.
  3. Okay, to everyone saying just to wait... The question is when do I panic and send another one, and how would sending two complicate things if they both end up arriving?
  4. USPS said delivered but when I called them they said that they potentially marked it as delivered without scanning it. USCIS has not taken my money nor have they emailed or texted me (I signed up for G-1145)
  5. USPS tracking says delivered, but then admitted that it was potentially lost. When would you send another AOS package? It's been a month. If we were to send another package, is there anyway to get USCIS to disregard the previous one, or would having two AOS packages arrive complicate things greatly? I'm also worried about being double charged. Thank you
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