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Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Nebraska Service Center
  • Country
  • Our Story
    Pursuing a K-1. Also applying for a J-1 waiver. As directed we submitted our case to the Nebraska office. They forwarded our case to California. I think Nebraska may just be a "receiving" center for K-1's but I don't think they manage them any more - just my guess.

    I figure I have already posted the dates for the K-1. The unique part of our case is we are applying for a J-1 waiver. This has held our case up but I believe we are in good order now.

    Here is our J-1 waiver saga...

    Mid march - created electronic case record on-line
    April 5 - No objection statement issued by Moldovan embassy, sent to State Dept
    April 6 - Submitted check \ hardcopy of forms
    April 10 - US State Dept cashed check
    May 3 - US State Dept acknowledged receipt of our case
    June 26 - US State Dept acknowledged receipt of the "No objection statement" from Moldova
    July 10 - US State Dept forwarded case to USAID for review
    Sep 16 (approx) - USAID provided feedback - recomending case is denied
    Oct 10 - US State Dept formally issues negative recomendation
    Oct 11 - US State Dept recomendation sent to Dept of Homeland security
    Oct 20 - Dept of Homeland security issues waiver (despite State Dept recomendation against it)

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