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J1 hardshiper

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  1. I already got denial on my hardship waiver. So, the plan might be to go back to my home country and try to fulfill the two years since I do not wanna waste more time trying to fight this denial or applying for different waiver. Once I am at my home country, my wife will be filling I-130 petition so I can comeback after the two years. Does that make sense?
  2. My lawyer told us that we can file I-130 petition (marriage based case) while I am serving the two years back in my home country. Fyi, my visa lapsed and I got out of status, but he said that would not affect the petition since we (as J1 visa holders) legally entered on our J1 visa. I hope to hear from anyone who heard that too or has different experience.
  3. There was no sponsor's view for me, I was not Fulbright.
  4. It was a foreign Gov scholarship. Based on hardship to Spouse, Son, and step daughter (All USA citizens) . So I have them all!! Not sure based on what they decided that
  5. Yes it is mine. Any idea if there is a way to fight that? I did not get a chance to talk to my lawyer yet.
  6. That’s so brutal and unfair. Any idea where people go from there?
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