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Everything posted by MRJ9987

  1. @Crazy Cat I did not. Do you know how do I go about canceling the visa? Thanks in advance.
  2. I had my interview last January and was placed in AP. I received a green card approval last week in the US. How do I go about cancelling my request with the Montreal consulate? Thanks in advance.
  3. Thanks, appreciate it. Will check it out.
  4. Where can I find the video? Is it on YouTube?
  5. Has anyone tried doing FOIA? Who would I send it to? I was suggested to query USCIS with FOIA but my understanding is that it wouldn't be them (USCIS already approved me)?
  6. Just an idea here… but could we possibly maybe go to the media? Is there a story here? Is there anyone who would care about what we are going through? Alternatively, could a file a class action lawsuit?
  7. I hear you. I am working off off two year timeline and it seems to be taking more than a year.
  8. It's fair not to ask them for updates until six months. At the same time, squeaky wheel gets the grease .... unless it does more to piss them off.
  9. My daughter was born mid December and we were able to get an appointment for last Tuesday. She got her citizenships on the spot so at least we are lucky that way. Edit: this is CRBA for Toronto consulate.
  10. Thanks for your explanation. That is very helpful. I've approached my company and they are speaking with their US office about the possibility of sponsoring me for L1B. My husband and I are also meeting with lawyers on Tuesday about the AP (although don't know how much they can do) but I will ask them about the work visa.
  11. Okay, that sounds reasonable. I am probably going to go with once a month. My status has not changed even once since Jan 29 (my interview date) 😞
  12. Thanks, I sent them a follow up to confirm they've received my form (and to ask for the timeline, although I'm not holding my breath, but I figure it's good to keep at it). How often do people follow up? Where on Visa Status Check does it tell you how many updates there has been?
  13. @Cadtoverm I received a similar paper as you did but it did not include any instrucitons how to courrier the passport back. All it said was Passport (mailed to us when we let you know). @Leo The Great What email did you us to contact the consualte? And as far as status, did you see it on this website CEAC visa status check? Or is there another place?
  14. Quick question - people here talk about completing DS-5535 form after getting it email and returning it to the consulate. I got a link on my refusal letter where I went and completed the form from there. Is that a new thing they're doing? I didn't get a confirmation email or anything that they got it. And my refusal form said they need my passport but only when requested.
  15. I was in Toronto consulate for my daughter’s CRBA yesterday and I tried asking the CO about my case. She said there is nothing she knows and that they’re completely separate from Montreal. Which is bs, because they all talk and I know they must know stuff about each other. I wasn’t expecting to learn much but was hoping to get one of those chatty disgruntled employees who talk to public.
  16. Aw well. That is a bummer. I always knew I was going to get DS-5535. I was worried about the fact that I have two passports. I always had a feeling so I started researching this topic in advance but learning about it was sending my anxiety into an overdrive so I forbade myself from exploring it. Until now, when I am actually in this position, when I need to learn as much as can. Learning about this and how people are being treated is making me absolutely miserable. I cannot believe that a country can mistreat their own citizens so badly.
  17. There is a reason they are separated from the general public by glass or I can see it not getting pretty with some people. I tried to get as much information and ask as much questions but I got very little. I am sure they are used to all kinds of reactions. I do wonder how representative of a sample are people on her. Would be nice to know how many people never end up here because their cases get resolved in reasonable times.
  18. Good to know. So you entered US with H1B while you were in AP? I've reached out to my employer today, explained my situation, and asked if our US office would be interested in sponsoring me.
  19. When I saw that I will be getting a refusal form the CO and read DS-5535, I burst into tears and said something along 'No, really?". The CO told me that I should just fill out the form and they will be able to get back to my case. I said that it takes a year after receiving one of those forms and she replied that it is not true and that some of them get resolved in weeks. So, has anyone's been resolved in weeks?
  20. Thanks for your insight. Would you suggest against trying to obtain this visa?
  21. I got interviewed for CR1 today and unluckily got handed DS-5535. I'm with MTL consulate so I will be lucky if this resolves in one year Before this happened, my company seemed eager to have me work for their US entity. If they are willing to sponsor me for L1 visa, would the fact that I am in AP be an issue? How would I go on about obtaining green card / citizenship from there?
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