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Kurt and Kristina

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Everything posted by Kurt and Kristina

  1. I too am interested in the answer to the courier question 🙋🏻‍♂️ Thanks!
  2. 1am calls.. oh well, it is worth it to shorten this everlasting wait.. Thank you!
  3. Not sure if this matters, but when I filed my I-129f, the attorney recommend wet signing in blue ink and color scanning so the printed document can be in color to show highlights, signatures, etc. I would second what others have said, wet sign and scan.
  4. We had met on Filipino Cupid, here is how we handled the IMB issue. I found the sections in the sites Terms of Service (ToS) and highlighted those and included the entire ToS, also when I wrote out how we met, I used some key words like, "when we independently began chatting on the site" and "our mutual desire to meet..." clearly showing that it was not the site, but us that formed the relationship. Some thought I was too verbose, but NOA2 after 413 days, I was kinda happy with that. I hope this helps and I wish you the best of luck!
  5. My 2 cents... Before filing our I-129F, my fiancee and I met only once (for 42 days), have a 20+ year gap, and showed a relationship for six months prior to the physical meeting. We received NOA2 last month after waiting 400+ days. I have visited her another five times and and we have accrued substantial additional relationship evidence. We also submitted letters of relationship support from both families with the I-129F. Of course, your mileage may vary. Best of luck.
  6. Regarding the "A" number, isn't that what is on the NOA 2 for the Beneficiary? Just received ours and noticed that number above her (beneficiary's) name on the I-797 (NOA2).
  7. I know and understand your feeling. I was there...in a big way. one of the people here have the tag line (misquoted) that this is not quick, cheap, or for the faint of heart. Easy to read, hard to swallow after a year of I-129F received (date). But hang in there. This is a test of wills. Be strong for each other and know that this will end. When I got my "My Case was Approved" I had so many emotions.. Push forward - know this is temporary. I wish you the best of luck.
  8. (dealing with my own I-134 issues )... It is my understanding that the USC is the one who is filling this out for the K1 Beneficiary. The I-134 supports other use cases, but typically for a K1 it is filled out by the Petitioner as the Petitioner is trying to demonstrate to the CO that they can provide for the needs of the Beneficiary. But I have to say, having both available to you would be cheap insurance.
  9. THANK YOU! Your fix is brilliant! As for the black ink, I missed that, but now not necessary with your fix... and now that you say it, I think the lawyer said to sign it in blue ink.. My main concern with this form is the expiration date (7/31/23). I could see me filling it out and being ready and the next version asks for other/more data... Great info.. hope this helps others!
  10. We are not that far behind you. Our NOA2 was Monday 3/27. Very interested in hearing the responses to this...
  11. I am a control freak as well (with a dash of OCD ) Thanks on the NOA2, the hired help (USCIS) seem to be processing a lot as of late, so it is my sincere hope you have yours soon. While I know we have different embassy's, if there is anything I can help with, or you want to talk through something, let me know. Thanks again! -Kurt
  12. First off, I remember you from the Feb filers thread and wanted to thank you for maintaining that while we all waited. Really appreciate that! I spoke to a lawyer about this and he stated that many of the USCIS forms has issues and recommended just handwriting (in blue ink) the impacted areas. Also, if your income is sufficient to meet the guidelines for support, no need to put in checking and other assets as those assets and associated values need to be proven through appraisals. My approach to all of this is to put together a check list of all actions and forms necessary with dates and use that as my NVC to Embassy to Interview master sheet. I just don't want any delays if possible. It is so sad to know how long this paid for service takes as each receipt number represents two people who just want to start their lives. I appreciate your reply, thank you.
  13. Thank you for the I-134 answer. Regarding CR-1 vs K-1, you are correct, but having an I-129f NOA2 date of 3/27/23, it would be foolish to start over ergo months rather than years. If I would have known then, what I know now….
  14. And why would you say that? Also, I appreciate the input regarding the I-134. Thank you.
  15. Hello, I have searched for related questions and was unable to find anything. The I-134 I am using shows an expiration date of 7/31/2023 which I downloaded from USCIS site last night. I will be using this form for the pending K-1 interview in the upcoming months Two questions: 1) The form auto updates the name placed in Part 2 #1 with the name in Part 3 #1. My understanding is that the Beneficiary is listed in Part 2 #1, where I list my name as the USC Petitioner in Part 3 #1. However the form automation does not allow the two areas to have unique names. Is anyone else seeing this? Any work around? 2) Part 2 #12: I have heard two schools of thought. One is to leave the "From" blank and select "No End Date", the other is to estimate the "From" date and include the estimated date. Any input/thoughts from those successful using this new version of the form (Embassy is Manila, Philippines) Thank you all for your time and help. -Kurt
  16. I have heard of others obtaining the CFO without having the visa in hand. There is a little more explaining to do, but in the end, the information is given, an interview takes place, and a temp CFO is issued until the final is issued with the temporary usable with Philippines immigration. It is good information for the Filipino. Honestly, I was surprised at all the topics covered and how it could help a Filipino acclimate in the USA.
  17. Most all of you are much smarter thank I am about the immigration processes. Many of us, including me, have come to this site for information, hope, research, next steps etc. I do appreciate all the help - I am very grateful. It is my opinion the evangelizing of the I-129f vs I-130 detracts from the credibility of the site and people wanting to ask more questions. I am very hesitant to post this and it is only my opinion, and we all know what opinions are like... Enjoy your weekend.
  18. I think I know the answers to number 2, 3, and 5. 2) the number changes because it needs to be unique. When you pay the fee referencing that number, they can check to see if that number has had the fees paid. 3) I don’t think 15 days is enough in my opinion. I’ve heard it can take at least a week to get the passport back from the embassy. I’m going to be doing the same thing you are and I’m allowing for my visit to be somewhere between three weeks to five weeks. 5) if the question you’re asking is how long the K-1 visa is valid I believe it is valid for six months beyond the date of issue. I hope this helps and please understand I’m going for memory on most of this
  19. This is great, but I was unable to join when I put the URL into my phone. What is the name of the group so I can try to add it manually??? Thanks!!
  20. Then you, kind person, know much more than me about this. Thanks. I didn’t know that
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