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Everything posted by Ismail-1989

  1. Non of that happened the visa was issued after i worked on the other documents needed from the consulate, i took one week to issue the visa. i really freaked out but i got my strength together and i proved that i can be with my wife. good luck for similar situations like me 🙏
  2. Hello membres! interview was on 24th November 2023 i was requested to send evidence of relationship as a WhatsApp conversations and additional pictures and i-864-i-864a tax and w2 from joint sponsor. on 22th January 2024 us consulate received the missing documents. Date updated twice! on 29th January 2024 case changed from refused to ready. on 30th January 2024 case changed from ready to administrative processing. now it’s been 9days. Any explanation please and how long could be approved?
  3. Affidavit of support signed on 24 December consulate will receive it in January does it gonna be rejected as expired?!
  4. The state pays for the child to be taken care of from the joint sponsor his name on 1040 tax return
  5. joint sponsor for spouse visa cares for a welfare child, is that child counted for household size?
  6. @JeanneAdil i think you understand everything here can you go on private chat.
  7. @JeanneAdil so the bottom line is i have to send the documents that they require and wait for a decision 😔 it’s 4 years we have been together and that make us feel hopeless and sad 😞 her sickle cells anemia is really bad and it makes me sad as a husband that i can not help her or even comfort her when shes crying and feeling pain trough the crisis I’m just being emotional now sorry 😣
  8. @Crazy Cat the mistake i made is i didn't bring more pictures and chat 💬 i told her i have them and she said send it to me
  9. @JeanneAdil what should we count now?!
  10. @JeanneAdil it make sense but at least the consular should understanding the situation of my wife illness and saying to me i don’t believe in this marriage.
  11. @Dashinkawe will work on that should we send them the original i864 and i864a?!
  12. @milimelo the joint sponsor had married filling joint and if he add household income it will be 68,000
  13. @milimelo my wife she’s on disability and sometimes she works and sometimes not, on the nvc stage it was skipped because we asked for expedite and nvc sent the case with all the documents that i provided with her medical letter from doctors and disability payments along with joint sponsor with all taxs and w-2s 27.000 from joint sponsor. The consular officer she told me im giving you anothet chance to send me chat from 2020 to present and another co-sponsor or houshold member income.
  14. Hello! Members. i had my interview and it went very bad and the consular officer was kind of mean to me, she asked me few questions where did you meet your wife and when ect… and i answered her with honesty i told her my wife travelled once and stayed with me for one month but she couldn’t stay because of her illness and that was serious she couldn’t stay with me and then she told me to give her photos she started to look at the pictures and she said is that what you have i don’t believe in it and its a fraudulent, that was shocking for me and she mentioned another thing she said and your wife don’t make enough income after all that i tried to explain but she said the interview is over then she gave me my passport with a white sheet as public charge marked on the papers
  15. @JeanneAdil hello! I contacted the us visa service desk via chat 💬 I asked if there’s possibility to know when I receive the interview letter they said your case will be escalated again.
  16. Hello members does anyone received interview letter this months at us embassy Casablanca Morocco 🇲🇦
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