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Everything posted by Ladybug13

  1. Well we did submit the AR-11 and I did submit my i865. Even though the USCIS agent said it was fine when I called, we did already submit all of those required items right after moving. and I know it’s not “funny” it got lost in the mail. I’m trying to make light of the situation, but in a case where something like this is lost - what should one do? Does anyone know if you can ask for the receipt of confirmation from the i865 to be sent again?
  2. Hi everyone, so it seems my address confirmation from USCIS got lost in the mail. It was on my informed delivery last Saturday but never came. The post office said they didn't have it either. I called USCIS and they said they still have my old address but it can take up to 60 days to show in their system. They also said I didn’t really need to do it since we don’t have an active case currently. My husbands address is updated since he is the CR-1 green card holder (we checked with Ask Emma and a live agent) but since we don’t have an actually “active case” it wasn’t necessary for me to send in an address update as a US citizen as it will be updated when we file his ROC next year. but anyways, has anyone else had their i865 confirmation from USCIS get lost in the mail? The funny thing is it was coming to my new address but it got lost anyways 😂
  3. Yes! I will keep checking for it then. Thank you everyone for your reassurance! It’s just nerve wracking trying to make sure you file everything right when you move
  4. Yes I did! I mailed in the form the week after we moved and received confirmation via tracking it was delivered. Haven’t gotten confirmation from USCIS yet, but I’m sure it will be a few weeks. thank you!
  5. Hi everyone, My husband and I moved 15 days ago and we updated his address on his USCIS profile the day after we moved. However, we do not have any pending cases currently since his ROC won’t be until next year. When we updated it, the portal with “View my Submissions” showed “request changed” with a green check mark and a confirmation number but he did not receive a confirmation email. Also, I mailed my I-865 in about two weeks ago, so way before my 30 day deadline as sponsor. So it’s been 15 days and when I chat with Emma she always prompted us to wait. Since it’s been that long, I chatted with her and then used the egov site to file an electronic AR-11 (I guess it’s a different system but the same as the one on MyUSCIS) for my husband for his new address. He then got a confirmation email immediately. Will this be a problem since we did file on his My USCIS the day after we moved but then we had to file using the other service after 15 days since it didn’t seem to work on the online profile? Will this cause issues for us? Or are we covered because we originally did everything before the 10 days for him and the 30 days for me as the sponsor? thank you for any help!
  6. It all went ok otherwise? Thank you for your response!
  7. We have him flying directly into the US, but that is helpful information. I can only see online that work visas might be affected and applications of that nature at the airport? It’s confusing.
  8. Hi everyone! My husband is set to enter the US next week on his CR-1 visa. Will the government shut down affect him entering the US? I know CBP is essential and USCIS is funded by fees so they will still be working. But will they not properly process his visa entry at the airport due to the government shut down or deny him entry because of the shut down? Did anyone enter on a IR-1/CR-1 during the last shut down and can provide some insight? Thank you!
  9. Congratulations! My husband and I have our interview in a few months! Did they let you enter the interview with your Korean spouse? I plan to go to Korea for the interview. What types of questions did they ask? thank you!
  10. Hi everyone! So my husband and I got our NOA2 and we are super excited! So now we are prepping for the NVC stage even though we know there will be some time between NVC receiving our case and everything we need to do. For the Police certificate from South Korea, is there an expiration date? I can’t find one on the US document equivalent website besides two years and the Korean police certificate does not have an expiration on it according to the Police station my husband called that can issue it in his city in Korea. anyone who completed the NVC stage for South Korea have a list of documents needed? Or any info about the police certificate validity period? any help is appreciated! thank you!
  11. Hi! So I’ve asked about Korean military records before. But my question is about the records in general. Do they just want the record in the NVC stage to ensure the spouse has completed military service in their country where it’s required and not served in a military that has actively threatened the US? Do they ask about your military service during the embassy interview? my husband completed his service but I am just curious what they will ask because he had a medical exemption from his service, but due to this it was marked as completed and satisfied for his country’s requirements. So his service requirement is completed. Anyone with experience on this? thank you in advance!!
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