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Everything posted by gooblue

  1. I put a fake earlier date to test it and it worked. so looks like visa journey issue not considering the delays oh well
  2. Just got case number via public inquiry. Anyone know why input'ing timeline dates is giving me this error for NOA2 and nvc received?
  3. My petition arrived at nvc around nvc ans got another "case pending entry into systems" message from nvcresearch.😅 The wait continues
  4. If I send multiple inquiries to NVC via ask NVC form, will they all be answered? I sent a couple abour getting case number with a week in between and just got a response to the first one. However I'm wondering if receiving that response somehow cancels the latest inquiry or something.
  5. What ended up happening? I never got the "received" notification, but I did get the "redirect your inquiry To the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services" message so I am concerned as well.
  6. Keep us posted! I got noa2 4/11 so seeing yours gives me hope I'm soon too!
  7. How did you ask Emma? Emma just replies saying if approved it'll be sent to NVC but didn't actually tell me IF it was actually sent or not.
  8. I wouldn't be so sure, I looked at next month February which also had barely any changes. More likely either today they had their agents do something else or technial system issues with reporting stats
  9. Wow so effectively rfe is another 2 months sentence of waiting
  10. Do you ever wonder if they send rfes on purpose? Like is everyone really forgetting stuff that much?
  11. The ice storm makes me a little frustrated that we have to wait another week to see the true expected amount of work on holiday less week
  12. you may want to retry yesterday's, looks like January retried and got much more
  13. curious to see if Wednesday updates bring another 10 or so approvals
  14. Shouldn't 35500 have 100 untouched considering the 10 approvals(9 of which were new?)
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