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Posts posted by pedroh
How are you celebrating the contributions of the hispanic community? Today, more than ever, the hispanic population is shaping America just as previous immigrants did. Cultural hybridization brings the best in countries, of course there will be people against it. One thing is true, all immigrants come to this country to be part of American History...
Press 2 if you are a proud AMERICANO
- The_Dude and elmcitymaven
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No, but apparently you're OK with cyberstalking and cyberbullying. Pardon me if I don't give any credence to you commentary, I only seek advice from qualified individuals.
I think stating the obvious is far from cyberbullying. This is a clear example of domestic violence, and even if it's pointed out by a 'cyberbully', doesn't make it any less worse. If people decide to ignore that fact because meanies are pointing it out, that's something to worry about
- RaspberrySwirl, Cheyenne, Fandango and 2 others
well i think this article is not discussing if osama should have been killed or not.. this is about the legal implications of sending covert ops to another country.. I mean after all USA has to respect those laws as well, we're not above international law and just run like a world vigilante...
if it can be done, can any country then be running covert ops like this? or just America? and who gives America the right to be doing this? it's certainly a good question..
"The legality of the bin Laden hit is neither a pointless question nor a purely academic one. Our laws are meaningless if we don’t respect them. In a complex and dangerous world, a solid foundation of law helps ensure the peaceful coexistence of nations with ample reason to fear each other. In short, if we broke our laws in order to kill bin Laden, we risk the kind of behavior typical of a “rogue state.” And we all know how the world feels about rogue states."
very interesting read regarding international laws...
Congratulations Pedroh! So I'm curious, when is your oath taking?
feb 9th
Happy new year to everyone... wishing for all the vj'ers who are still waiting for their interviews to be approved soon!
I had my interview today, it went fairly easy. Got to the Charlotte USCIS office at 1:35(appt at 1:45). It was a fairly slow day so there were only about 5-6 applicants for the N-400 interview. An officer called me, she went through all the 10 pages of the N-400, verifying every single question. I got a small delay, since I thought I had listed all the travels I've had in the last years, but it didn't print! I told the officer all the dates I've traveled, since the immigration guys in Frankfurt are very well organized, and they stamp the passport by page and the In-Out stamps are next to each other (go German organization!).
After that, the officer asked me to write down a question (from the study guide). Then she asked me to repeat a question from the guide out loud. After that she asked me the random 5 questions from the guide, and that was it. I went to the waiting room, and got my letter for the oath! easy peasy!
received the NOA1 this week, actually processed on the 16th
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***Fprints and Int Ltr: Please put the date of those appointments, not the day that you receive the letter.
N-400 September 2010 Applicants
USCIS Arizona Lockbox
UserName...........Sent......ChkCashd..NOA.......Fprints...Int Ltr...Intview...Oath......Office
Just Bob...........09/11/10..09/21/10..09/23/10..10/05/10................................Los Angeles, CA
RichardShane.......09/11/10....n/a.......................................................Sacramento, CA
DOZ................09/11/10..09/22/10..09/24/10..........................................Seattle, WA
mae................09/23/10..............................................................San Bernardino, CA
JeanneVictoria.....09/25/10..............................................................Tucson, AZ
USCIS Texas Lockbox
UserName...........Sent......ChkCashd..NOA.......Fprints...Int Ltr...Intview...Oath......Office
Agnar..............09/01/10..09/07/10..09/07/10..10/07/10................................Newark, NJ
mzswing............09/01/10..09/09/10..09/11/10..........................................Atlanta, GA
Almostthere2010....09/10/10..09/17/10..09/14/10..10/06/10................................Orlando, FL
PedroH.............09/13/10............09/16/10..........................................Charlotte NC
Lace ..............09/15/10..09/22/10..09/27/10..........................................Unknown
j_infy.............09/16/10..09/22/10....................................................Newark, NJ
mainyasha .........09/18/10..............................................................Dallas TEXAS
hhN400.............09/20/10..09/24/10..09/27/10..........................................Washington, DC
Anh map............09/27/10..............................................................Boston, MA
USCIS Lincoln, Nebraska Lockbox (Filing Under 319b, 328, or 329 of the INA)
UserName...........Sent......ChkCashd..NOA.......Fprints...Int Ltr...Intview...Oath......Office
Manohara...........09/20/10..............................................................San Diego, CA
Jodee..............09/28/10..............................................................San Bernardino, CA
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6. Red Font="I'm A United States Citizen"!
***Fprints and Int Ltr: Please put the date of those appointments, not the day that you receive the letter.
N-400 September 2010 Applicants
USCIS Arizona Lockbox
UserName............................Sent.....ChkCashd....NOA....Fprints...Int Ltr...Intview...Oath......Office
Just Bob...........................09/11/10..09/20/10..--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--..Ventura, CA
RichardShane....................09/11/10....n/a...--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--..Sacramento, CA
USCIS Texas Lockbox
UserName..........................Sent......ChkCashd....NOA.......Fprints...Int Ltr...Intview...Oath......Office
Agnar.................................09/01/10..09/07/10..09/07/10..10/07/10..--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--.Newark, NJ
mzswing.............................09/01/10..09/09/10..09/11/10..--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--.Atlanta, GA
Almostthere2010.................09/10/10..09/17/10..--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--.Orlando, FL
Lace ..................................09/15/10..--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/-- Unknown
j_infy..................................09/16/10..--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/-- Newark, NJ
mainyasha .........................9/18/10..............................................................Dallas TEXAS
PedroH.............................9/13/10..............................................................Charlotte NC
Really put up a tough fight to gain full custody of my kids, not only to avoid child support payments, but to make sure they were getting proper care. Its rare for a guy to get full custody, but was worth the battle. State of Wisconsin is really rough on dads for child support, threaten you even if you are making your payments, Happened to a friend of mine and got hit with 50% of his gross wages when his wife petitioned for the divorce so she could screw around with another guy. My wife divorced me because she didn't think I could support her life style after being severely injured in an auto accident. But I came back, cost me $25,000.00 to get my two kids, but I got them.
Later met a woman beyond my wildest dreams, only shortcoming of that was having to deal with the USCIS, but we got through that as well. Actually, everything worked out for the best, but didn't seem so at the time.
so I guess u had to explain all the cs drama to USCIS?
my situation wasn't that bad, its just that my ex, sending me the court while i was unemployed, wasnt a very nice gesture, i was unemployed for more than a year, and i tried to send some money whenever i had extra, u know the unemp checks are not a lot of money... so for the court is like i wasnt paying what we agreed, but they never looked that i was because i was unemployed.. now with a job i dont mind they withold from the check..but, i wanna make sure uscis doesn't see as i didnt wanna pay
thank you kathryn.. i had already written a rough of the explanation of child support, but then i wasn't sure if i should include all the pre-court information as well... although I guess I need to elaborate a little more in the explanation so there can't be any misinterpretations or confusions..
thanks again!
good morning people.. finally, using vj for an immigration question instead of silly political discussions.. The guide for naturalization documentation is quite clear, now, I have some issue going on paperwork wise with child support. The guide says that if I have a dependent child to show proof of payments, court orders, etc... now, when my ex-wife and I divorced, we had a civil agreement (not court mandated) of my providing a certain amount every month, voluntarily... which I complied, after several months I got laid off from my job, and went on unemployment, obviously the payments were more difficult to make since I was unemployed for more than a year.
This year my ex-wife had the courtesy of sending me the court to intervene because the amount we agreed upon was not being satisfied. The court then decided to take CS payments from my unemp check, etc etc, I got a new job and CS is taking payments from there as well.. now, should I just include the court order documents (which explain a debt of xxx amount and they intervened) and the garnished amounts thereafter, or should i include as well the bank statements showing i transfered money to my ex-wife voluntarily before the court, and explain I couldnt meet the payments because of my work situation?
thanks in advance
Epic? That the future rewriting the past.
Christians were definitely not influential at the time of Jesus. In many places Christians were persecuted and they had to practice in secret. Which is why the Ichthys (Jesus fish as its known today) symbol originated.
If he were alive today, he might be a celebrity in the way a religious leader promoting an ideology outside of the norm would be. Revered by his followers but pushed to the edge of society by everyone else.
yup.. pretty much like what happened back then when he was alive..I'm sure the modern "christians" wouldn't be very tolerant of his ways.. u know, tolerating other people, instead of telling them they're wnrog
Let's not forget, some Christians love death penalty, but hate abortion (not just hate, but wish death on those people).. they hate 'sharing the wealth' because it evokes socialism (which many Christians still think Socialism and Democracy are mutually exclusive)... but let's face if, if Jesus lived today, he wouldn't be a CEO rollin on a Bentley, thanking the lord for such greatness of a country, and praying the benefits of free enterprise... He'd be probably be working in community centers, promoting more benefits for unemployed people and medical care....
The issue I have is that when it comes to cop talking some obvious ####### to a thug, that is racist. When someone is suggesting all people who are white are basically evil, 'he's just an extremist with opinions not shared by others'. Strange how that cop with his life on the line does not get the same free pass.
which, hasn't been proven the guy getting beaten was a thug, that's just your assumption, and was the cop's assumption as well. Cops really can't assume and go beating random people because they have a hunch that guy might be the criminal, and even if it were, you can't beat criminals as you please.
I wonder if any of those crying in the Seattle thread will come comment. I am looking forward to Pedroh's opinion on this.
This is just another example of a long list of pathetic double standards in this country. It is forbidden for Caucasians to be proud of their own heritage, yet minorities are encouraged to say whatever they want and get a free pass.
yea, let's start with La Raza being a Mexican-American organization, or more commonly known as Chicano. Chicanos for the longest time have had a different agenda than the latino immigrants (chicano and latino immigrants are not the same). Not really assimilated to American culture, nor Latino culture, they created their own organizations to create their own identity and myths (the famous Aztlan). Sometimes La Raza agenda overlaps latino immigrant interests, sometimes not.
I for one, do not share or feel identified with chicano organizations, as I'm sure many latino immigrants neither
does it say somewhere he was a criminal? or how do you base your assumption?
Word is he is Latino, therefore, you will defend him no matter what. That is the word here and in every other thread.
Along with your bud Hal and Pike, you guys still don't acknowledge that there is a problem when the largest portion of gang bangers are Latin American.
well, before you start with your generalizations.. nowhere in this case is mentioned that the detained was a criminal, or a gangbanger, he was just a random dude they pulled over as a suspect(which probably, like you, would stop any brown guy who looks latino, because he might be a criminal as well).. but I guess your stats tell you that almost every latino (incluiding the vjers) are gangbangers..
###### he was
No he's a good PhD candidate, helping out at the local food shelter.
Gezz wake up.
so you're assuming he's up to no good because he's latino? or that he has no education? srsly, maybe you should work with the Arizona PD or now, Seattle..
That was in the original title, but apparently VJ moderation feels "Mexican" is a curse word like "fu**king".
mhh, weird..
National Hispanic Heritage month
in Current Events and Hot Social Topics
border patrol too!