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Posts posted by Travis&Sam

  1. Well you can't work on a visitor's visa and I suppose the concern is whether her looking after the child constitutes as work. I don't think this will be too much of an issue though as long as the embassy is clear she is visiting and will not be working.

    I meant for my mom to help guide us with the baby since it is going to be our first child. Thank you for informing us with the right information.

  2. Your Mother applies for a B2 Visitor Visa at her local US Consulate.

    Make sure she makes it clear that she is visiting, not providing child care.

    I really appreciate your response. By the way, I got a few responses from other members too and they mentioned the same things like you that my mother could apply for a tourist visa, but in here you mentioned about the differences between visiting and providing child care. I mean, we actually do not have plans to take her to visit places out side the state where we are living right now, but we do have plans to take her to see many places during the weekends. This is because I and my husband are both working and I really think that my mom could take care her little granddaughter.

    I am really confused now and please I do hope you would give me info if you would have some. But do you think, a visitor visa and a visa for providing child care are different?

    I hope to hear from you real soon. Thanks you so much!

  3. :help: Hi, I am a permanent resident (2 years green card holder) and my husband is a US citizen. I am actually expecting a baby girl soon in Feb next year. I am wondering if my husband and I can bring my mom to come and visit her granddaughter in Feb for about 2 to 3 months? If that would be ok, can you give me any articles , websites or sources where I can find the informations related to this? I really appreciate your help so much....

    Thanks a lot,


    P.S. I am from Cambodia and I am heard it's so tough to bring family to visit here. But I hope it's getting better now.

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