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Posts posted by UCS

  1. On 4/7/2022 at 11:01 AM, slavaskii said:

    I will try to answer your questions to the best of my ability, but eventually I would like to compile a complete “Warsaw guide” and request for it to be stickied here. Maybe even this post could serve as it, but here goes. Warsaw has a relatively unique (and slightly confusing) process and the information here has been compiled from other users’ experiences. I encourage them to add to, or correct, what I write below.


    1. Once you get NOA2, your petition, like all others, will go to NVC. NVC should have your case number a week or two after your packet arrives. You may call NVC directly to get your case and invoice number, though the latter is not required for Warsaw. The best times to call NVC are 7-8am EST or 11:30-12:00pm EST.


    2. At any point before your case leaves NVC, you may call them to report a change of address - email or physical. It is vital for all beneficiaries leaving their home countries to have a reachable and accurate address on file.


    3. NVC will email the beneficiary when the case is sent to Warsaw. Warsaw is currently accepting new K1 petitions and they appear to be forwarded every other Tuesday.


    4. Your packet will arrive to Warsaw within a couple days. At this stage, you will be waiting for Packet 3 - which is both physical and email. This has been the most confusing step and I’ve been a bit wavering in my answers so let me try to finally get it straight. “Packet 3” sent by email are the generic instructions telling you that you can schedule your interview, where you can do medical, and informing the beneficiary of the IMBRA rights. Warsaw, additionally, will send your original I-129F by mail to whatever physical address you have on file. It is currently unclear whether you need the I-129F in-hand in order to come to the interview, but from my understanding, only the email component is required.


    5. Complete the DS-160. After scheduling medical yourself (see below) and the interview yourself through TravelDocs (see below), proceed to the interview. I cannot stress this following part enough: if you did not receive Packet 3 before your interview date, your appointment will be cancelled by Warsaw the day before.



    Warsaw is a self-scheduling embassy. They will not provide you a K1 interview date. To make your appointment, the beneficiary must make an account on Poland’s USATravelDocs page. It will ask for her passport and other information, but *not* the DS-160 or case number. This does not mean, however, you should be scheduling anything now. Warsaw has already told someone over the phone they should not have made the appointment before getting the case number. You must also be aware that if you schedule too early and do not have time to collect everything, or Warsaw does not ship your Packet 3, your appointment will be cancelled at very late notice.


    The DS-160 is the standard non-immigrant visa application every beneficiary is required to submit. It does not ask for your case number, though it asks for your USCIS number. After submitting your DS-160 and having made an appointment, your appointment confirmation in TravelDocs should display the DS-160 confirmation code. If it does not, or displays an outdated one, call Warsaw and request a change. 


    There are two doctors in Poland that will do the medical exam - one in Warsaw, one in Krakow. Both require your case number for the appointment. Warsaw’s doctor has a wait of over one month, providing nobody has cancelled last I checked. 

    Good luck, and I hope this is helpful to everyone reading.


    Could you please advise about the health exam in Warsaw. How long had it took for you to get the result?

  2. On 4/11/2022 at 11:51 AM, tofulollipop said:

    Has anyone had any experience filing for a Mexican spouse and knows which police certificates we need? Mexico bureaucracy is crazy! What we have currently is the "constancia de antecedentes no penales federales". Would this be sufficient (I believe as long as it has been taken out in the last 2 years this is sufficient, yes?)? I've also read online that you need the "constancia de datos registrales". Can anyone shed some light on the difference and which one we actually need?


    Had you figured out which police certificate is sufficient enough? I'm in the same situation now. I'm confused where to request the certificate. 

  3. On 12/12/2022 at 4:18 PM, Steffen & Rafael said:

    I haven't written in a while, but finally our interview appointment has arrived! For January 23, 2023. 

    Hi and congratulations! Could you please advise about the police certificate. Had you got in Tijuana? I got mine from Gobierno de Baja California. I worry that it's not what is required. Please if you have a link for the request of police certificate you had it would be very helpful. 

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