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Everything posted by tw2mn

  1. When you contacted AIT did you do so over the phone or by emailing them? When I call I always get an automated line that gives generic information when I hit the prompts for visa services. Today I hit the prompt for "other sections" which links you to a live representative. The person I talked to was with the Administrative Department and said AIT could not help cancel or reschedule our interview date and was quick to give me the USCIS and the NVC websites. He seemed very irritated by my question actually. I also asked him if NVC or USCIS didn't respond to my rescheduling email in time and we are considered a no show at our AIT appointment what would happen to our case. Again, he said to check the NVC and I talked to someone from UStraveldocs (department of state visa appointment service) support line and they told me AIT was the one in charge of rescheduling. Anyways it says on the AIT website to contact VisaIV-AIT@state.gov to reschedule so I will do that. And probably NVC to to cover myself in case the guy at AIT was right or they don't reply in time. I think I reached the wrong person at AIT. That was long winded, if you made it this far, sorry about that!
  2. I'll probably end up doing that then. Better to be upfront with the whole thing rather than run into potential problems later. I just hope that if/when I reschedule my appointment they don't bump it up several more months out. I'll ask them about that too. Thanks.
  3. Sorry for the confusion, I meant CRBA in the title, can't figure out how to edit that.
  4. Myself (US citizen) and my wife (Taiwanese citizen) just got our CR1 interview date set at AIT in Taipei in a month. We also have a 7 month old baby who was born the week after we sent out all of our NVC paper work. We still have not done his CRBA to report his birth (and no passport yet either of course). We may not have time to bring him in to AIT to get his CRBA complete by the time of the CR1 interview. Will this be a problem? Should we push out our CR1 interview date until we can get our baby's CRBA complete or is this irrelevant? And would we have to change anything for her paperwork that reflects we have a child now? perhaps household size in the i-864? Any info or thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Thanks everyone.
  5. Thanks for the reply. Yes I have a work contract, great idea! To foward the contract and a short explanation letter stating my situation (my current income will not continue when I move), I'm assuming I should upload this to the main portal where I uploaded my "AOS supporting documents" right? It just states to upload. A bit confused cause another / seperate RFE says to specifically upload info via the inquiry form ("Please resubmit the correspondence in this document at: https://nvc.state.gov/inquiry"). That RFE is just contact info for an accountant letter I uploaded. Thought inquires were for asking questions, not for adding additional information/documents, but apparently for this specific request, it is not.
  6. Sorry that wasn't too clear, I was only referencing myself. I sent only my transcript regarding my income. For my joint sponsor, everything needed was sent in and accepted, thankfully!
  7. I am a US citizen living and working abroad in Taiwan. My wife and I are seeking a CR1. I put $0 down on my i-864 since my current income will not continue once I move the U.S. I submitted last years tax transcipt and it was marked as accepted. All of the documents from our joint sponsor were also marked as accepted. Related to this we recieved 2 Case RE notes. First Case RE says that my income is not sufficient and that I could get a joint sponsor. An error on their end, should I just ignore it or reach out to NVC via the inquiry form to clarify? Obvious error but hate to just assume everything is ok. Second Case RE asks for me to submit MY evidence for income. Since I have a joint sponsor and my income is $0 from working overseas, I thought it would be irrelevant, so I only uploaded my tax transcript. What do you think they are looking for here? I can provide them my previous yearly official income summary. It is in both Chinese and English except for my address (hope I wouldn't need to deal with a translator for something so minor). I also have my monthly pay stubs but they are very unofficial (literally just a template from excel with numbers plugged in, looks fake if you didn't know any better). Or maybe they just want to know that my income will not continue once I move. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Thanks all.
  8. Yup that's right. And I'm using a joint sponsor. So ya good call, all 3 years wouldn't really be relevant anyways. Might as well keep it simple and just give them 2022.
  9. Alright sounds good. I'll probably just do the 1 year then as to not complicate things. Thanks for the feedback!
  10. got it, sorry to bog down the forums.
  11. I'm actually not clear on how this question related to the W2 question. I know that was a pretty particular / likely insignificant question but I tend to over think some of this stuff on the forms and want to make sure I get it right.
  12. I considered only sending in 2022. Most simple solution really. I'm assuming that leads most people to get an RFE though. In that case, the case would be delayed right? Or do they just ask the applicant to bring in that type of info to the interview? Thanks so much for the reply.
  13. Figured it out. Don't hit the save button. Click next when everything is filled out. Then go back to the address page and click save. It won't kick you out if you do it this way.
  14. For the i-864 I have my 2022 and 2021 tax returns as well as the IRS tax return transcripts. For 2020 I have an unresolved issue. I amended my taxes for that year and thought they were done. However, just found out that since I didn't reply to a 5071C letter (verifying identity)the IRS sent me, it is considered incomplete. They resent me the form and I will send it out to fix the problem but it will take around 6 months. I have my tax return from 2020 along with the amended form. But I can't get the tax return transcript online since it is not complete. Any suggestions? I'm considering the following options - Send in only the 2022 tax transcript (in this case if I got an RFE, would it be during the interview or before the interview? I'm still not clear on that / if it could delay things). - Send in IRS tax return transcripts for 2021 and 2022, and my tax return and amended tax return info for 2020. Then possibly write a note in the back of the i-864 stating the specific situation. - Send all years the same - tax return paper work / not IRS transcripts (maybe the consistency of the forms would not raise a red flag that 2020 is technically not complete). Sorry that was a long question. Hopefully someone has time to provide feedback. thanks everyone.
  15. For those of you working overseas (not a US company), will you / did you attach anything to your i-864 for showing taxes that resembles a W2? It says directly in the instructions to not submit any tax returns from a foreign government (continues to a specific situation not relevant to the Q). Yet it also says that if you don't use a tax return transcript, that you must provide everything with your taxes, including a W2. Is it obvious to NVC that I don't have a W2 in this situation, or should I write a note at the end of the i-864 about it, OR was I actually supposed to do a W2 (hopefully not!!!)?
  16. ok, got it, I will print and write N/A cause the pdf doesn't allow a slash mark. thanks so much!
  17. Yes there are multiple threads on this already but all very very outdated. Wondering if things have changed / there is a more clear answer now. Thanks all. So, as the title says, on the i-864, write N/A or leave spaces blank? Thanks everyone!
  18. Thanks Vicky. But my IRS form was a 1040, not 1040EZ. SO I will use my total income, not adjusted gross income. It says in the i-864 instructions "for the purpose of this affidavit, the line for Total income on IRS form 1040 and 1040A will be considered when determining income. For persons filing IRS form 1040EZ, the line for adjusted gross income will be considered."
  19. Same problem I'm having. Stuck at the address section. Did you get passed it yet? If so please share. I read in a previous post that said to hit save every time you enter a new address in. Problem is, it won't save for me unless everything is done. Then once everything is done, it kicks me off when trying to save/move to the next section like you. Very frustrating.
  20. This question is regarding part 6 of the i-864, where you have to list your total income for the past 3 years. I am a US citizen working overseas and have reported my income on my tax returns every year but the money is not counted into my total income. What I'm saying is that on my 1040, it shows I made $34,000 in wages, but then deducts that money (schedule 1 income) on line 8 of my 1040. That leaves me at $1,000 (from unrelated income) shown on line 9 of my 1040 where it states TOTAL INCOME. So do I just put the $1000 then? Even though it's not accurate. On a side note, I put $0 for my current annual income and household income, as I will not have a job when I return to the US. We have a joint sponsor.
  21. Nice, ya it truly is an amazing country. Really going to miss it, but also excited to be back in the states.
  22. Sounds good, thanks for the insight!
  23. Got it, thanks I appreciate it.
  24. I'm US citizen, been living in Taiwan for almost 4 years with my wife. Working on my i-864 for a CR1 visa. Here are the ways I will be proving domicile in the US. I'm wondering what specific documents I need to show for these. 1. Maintained 2 bank accounts with 1 credit card that has been actively used. QUESTION on this - can I just show a screenshot of my online banking accounts and credit card statements? Or are they looking for something more official (not sure what that would be, maybe a documents I could request from the bank)? 2. Maintained permanent US address. QUESTION - Is just a picture (or scan might be better?) of any letter sent to that mailing address sufficient? It is my parent's house by the way. 3. Voter registration QUESTION - Unfortunately do not have a voter registration ID card. On the state of MN website (mnvotes.sos.state.mn.us) I am listed as registered to vote. BUT, the website is setup so that when you hit enter after typing your name, it shows that you are registered and where you are registered, WITHOUT my name on it. So, not too helpful proving that it is my. Is there another way to show that I'm registered? Thanks for the help everyone.
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