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Posts posted by EvanWV

  1. Deffo the real deal, especially since the multiple emails!!! Dance all over and have fun!!! You HAVE been approved!!!!

    Thanks to you and everyone else that's congratulated us so far!

    To second what Carly's already said, neither of us are military, this is indeed for real, and we certainly didn't do anything out of the ordinary (that we know of) to expedite the process.

    We're both very more than thrilled to have recieved our notices so quickly, and my heart honestly goes out to those that are still waiting for approval. Though our application has taken only a month and change so far, it's been a long two and a half years even waiting to file those papers, so I can most certainly sympathize with the heartbreak and breathless anticipation that can accompany such a lengthy and uncertain separation from one that you love. My thoughts and prayers are certainly with you!

    In case anyone wasn't sure, I'm the "Evan" half of Evan and Carly!

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