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Everything posted by Vegamanx7

  1. Keep at it man. My wife went on as soon as she got the email and it said there was nothing. Later in the day a bunch of slots opened up. She has hers set for may 6th. Just don’t give up. Something will open
  2. I too got the expedite approved email at 2am this morning. Me and the wife are happy to finally nearing the end!
  3. my congressman response was in February of this year and apparently they’re on oct 22 dqs right now. So at least they’re making ground it appears
  4. Not fast as in correct. Fast as in getting their butts in gear and trying to at least get something done. Of course it’s been horrendously slow. Stop being so literal.
  5. Did you mean Ami Bera? For Sacramento?
  6. Nah I’m in California. David Valadao is the rep for my district.
  7. This was the response my Congressman’s office received on February 2nd. I’m hoping they are actually moving as fast as it looks like
  8. I’m hoping so. This wait has been ridiculous
  9. Yeah I just received the generic response after my congressman reached out. “NVC documentarily completed this case on 12JUL2023. As of FEB2024, the NVC is scheduling IV interview appointments for the U.S. Embassy or Consulate in MANILA, PHILIPPINES for Immediate Relative applicants that were documentarily complete on or before OCT2022.” I just wish I could be with my wife. I’m stuck in a job I hate because I can’t leave or it jeopardizes our case.
  10. I appreciate it! I’m glad you guys made it!
  11. Doesn’t look like that mass expedite will be happening this month. Kinda depressing. Was really hoping to be with my wife this year.
  12. Should I err on the side of caution and at least send my wife with more current paystubs to her interview?
  13. So I just got the DQ email. I’m super excited, but they did also send me the same message again that I posted above. I don’t think I should worry because I also got a 7% raise that goes into effect on my next paycheck, which will bring my gross annual salary to around 41,000. Do you still think I will be okay and to not worry about a co sponsor?
  14. I ended up requesting more documentation from Human Resources in order to show even more evidence of income and job status. I hope you’re right and it will be enough. These “stock messages” really get people worked up with how vague they sound
  15. What I pasted was exactly as the message was in my ceac account. I haven’t received any emails at all other than the one telling me I have a message on my case and how to check it. Literally nothing else so far No I haven’t received any email except the one last night telling me I have a message on my account and how to check it. Nothing since.
  16. I’m not sure, as the above message is what I received last night. No other messages have been sent so far and no notices received as of yet.
  17. this is the message I received: “The income reported as stated on form I-864 is insufficient to overcome the public charge grounds of inadmissibility for visa issuance. To avoid delays, an additional Affidavit of Support Form I-864 from a joint sponsor may be submitted. For more information visit https://nvc.state.gov/aos and https://www.uscis.gov/i-864p. A consular officer will decide if you meet these requirements at the time of the interview. Note: You, as the sponsor, and any other sponsors household members and joint sponsors, must provide updated or additional evidence for the applicant to present at the time of their interview such as: * Other income * Assets * Proof of current employment Note: You submitted documentation to the National Visa Center through the Consular Electronic Application Center CEAC. You can continue to upload documents to CEAC up until the date of your visa interview.” also it says documents were accepted, so does that mean they won’t answer my questions now?
  18. So I got an email late last night from NVC saying I had insufficient income even though I provided proof that my annual income is just shy of 40,000 a year. I work for the local county in a government job. With either net or gross I make in excess of the requirements for a household of 2. The only thing I can think of that hurt my affidavit of support was that during part of Covid I was unemployed after undergoing a major surgery and needing recovery time, which also didn’t matter since very few places were hiring during Covid. Anyways, I now need a co-sponsor and the only one I can ask is either my mom or dad. I don’t think I can use my mom because she’s medically retired and only received about 29000 on her retirement last year. She does own a house but I don’t know how assets are counted and what is enough to qualify. My dad (they’re divorced btw, sorry I didn’t mention sooner), recently retired so I don’t know what his annual is yet with his social security and pension but while he was working his annual was about 80k a year. please , any advice would be helpful or any info about cosponsors and how their income and assets are used. Are they counted along with my own income? Also which parent would be the better choice? Mom is remarried and husband has no income, and dad is single but doesn’t own a house.
  19. In the US a term is used frequently by law enforcement and the judicial system. “Ignorance of the law is no excuse”, which is based off an even older latin saying from ancient times. Basically they don’t care if you didn’t know, you can and usually will be held responsible for your actions. As others have said, lawyer up.
  20. My wife and I did the Utah zoom marriage through Provo. She’s from the Philippines and everything was accepted fine, no issues. We just had our cr1 approved and forwarded to nvc. Her country already processed the report of marriage, so they accept it. The whole thing was easy. I recommend it.
  21. That’s what I’ve heard, but have also seen posts on here saying it doesn’t matter and that they will only use the name we filed the I-130 with. So I’m trying hard to see if I can get some clarity on this matter.
  22. Unfortunately we filed with her maiden name because we were worried about delaying an already long wait time. So now we’re seeing if it’s too late to change her name on her passport or if it will even have any effect.
  23. Sorry if this is the wrong spot, but I’m not sure where to ask my question. My wife and I just reached the nvc stage and I need answers that I can’t seem to get or they conflict. We filed the I-130 with her maiden name, yet I’ve been told that I can update her married name at the nvc stage so that I wouldn’t have to do name changes once she arrived in the US. We want to have her married name used on her IV application and going forward but not sure if it’s possible. Her passport is currently in her maiden name, but if we need to change it to married we can relatively easy. Can we use her married name on the ds-260 and if so would it then cause her gc and everything to be issued in the married name? Or is it not possible to use the married name until she’s already state side and have to go the long and expensive name change route? Wife is a Philippines citizen if it helps.
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