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Status Replies posted by CAN_PA

  1. Hi there, any movement or updates on your status? Nothing on my end yet. 

    1. CAN_PA


      I doubt we'll go through many updates as our situation is a fairly simple one and so far I haven't been asked for any further proof after my Med results came in (nov16) or since the Dec 15 update.


      On my 221g form, the only thing the CO wrote was "Med", I didn't have anything else circled or written below it which is a relief.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  2. Hi there, any movement or updates on your status? Nothing on my end yet. 

    1. CAN_PA


      Hi! Nothing yet. I've seen there's quite a few people that have finally had updates this week and last week from Oct/Nov, so at least the Consulate has been working on backlogged files. I think seeing the "refused" status is hard to digest for most of the us, but I understand it's easier for the CO's to know what's processing and what's not.


      These last few days have been excruciating! I've also noticed that they really maximize their 60 day limit to process applications...ugh. Maybe our visas are on the "easy" pile and left for later..haha.


      My last update was Dec 15. I'm hoping they've looked at it and have already started working on it..I'm really glad I found this forum and we're in the same boat.


      From the looks of it, similar cases have been batched together so maybe we'll hear from ours around the same time. Even though it's a case by case scenario...Keep me posted and if you don't hear anything before the holidays, Happy holidays for what it's worth!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  3. My case was updated today but it still remains refused. At least someone took a look at it from the Consulate, finally! Any news on your end? I'm hoping that over the holidays the Consulate will be able to sort out the rest of the backlog from all the people whom have been waiting since Oct/Nov.

    1. CAN_PA


      I know! My husband isn't vaccinated and if we end up leaving after January 21, it may be mandatory for US citizens to be fully vaccinated if they want to return to the US again. We're a bit on a tight schedule. Hopefully they won't shut down or at least maybe shut down to the public for interviews but work within limited employees to do paperwork. Haha, I'm hoping for anything at this point!



    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  4. My case was updated today but it still remains refused. At least someone took a look at it from the Consulate, finally! Any news on your end? I'm hoping that over the holidays the Consulate will be able to sort out the rest of the backlog from all the people whom have been waiting since Oct/Nov.

    1. CAN_PA


      Thanks and I'll do the same! It most certainly has been stressful. I can't imagine them keeping our passports for months on end.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  5. My case was updated today but it still remains refused. At least someone took a look at it from the Consulate, finally! Any news on your end? I'm hoping that over the holidays the Consulate will be able to sort out the rest of the backlog from all the people whom have been waiting since Oct/Nov.

    1. CAN_PA


      No, it was updated on Nov 16 by the Medical office when they sent my files to the Consulate, but I don't think a Consular officer actually looked at it until today when they "checked" to verify the Medical results were there. I'm not holding my breath that something will happen in the next week or so but I'm glad that it's been brought to someone's attention. I'm considering sending them another email some time after Christmas to see if I could get another update. If there's no news by mid-January, I'll contact the State Senator and see if they could inquire on my situation.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

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