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Everything posted by serret

  1. I do not know the specifics but they applied for a green card back in 2021 and I vaguely remember them getting the waiver. But now that path is closed because it was employer-sponsored and they got laid off. Their immigration attorney now is preparing to apply asap for EB1 and EB2. As I said, I don't know the specifics and this question is not what they should for immigration. Their immigration attorney (who is also a university professor) is looking into that already. It's to learn if there are any cheap healthcare plans they can purchase without making them a public charge.
  2. They were working on a J1. They were subject to the 2-year rule but if I'm not mistaken they got a waiver and were in the middle of the green card process. Now they're trying for EB1 or EB2. They got some recognition for their work so this is what their immigration attorney suggested. Hopefully it'll work.
  3. Hi! I'm writing on behalf of a friend who is an immigrant in the US and lost their federal contractor job due to the layoffs recently. They live in DC and were in the middle of the green card process through their federal employer but since they lost their job, the process stopped. They are exploring other options now like a self-sponsored green card (EB1 or EB2). In the meantime, they have to find a cheap healthcare plan while they are unemployed (and they cannot apply for unemployment). I'm thinking of a plan that's better for serious health issues (like hospitalization) but may not be as good for routine check-ups or visits to the doctor. As far as I know, she has no serious health issues. We are both immigrants from a country that has universal public healthcare so we're a bit lost in all these endless options. We'd be very grateful if people could share their experience and knowledge with affordable health plans. Thanks in advance!
  4. We received our green card on the 22nd, exactly 8 days after our I-485 was approved. I will take a break from this forum and Facebook groups too and just enjoy my time with my spouse. So, see y’all in 21 months! And those who are still waiting: your time is coming soon!
  5. Lol, same!! Status changed to card picked up by USPS today and expected delivery date is the 22nd!
  6. I had an early RFIE too, 10 days after NOA1, but it was for the I-864 (we had forgotten to send tax documents). I’m not sure if having an early RFIE is an indicator for fast processing. Instead, we might have received an early RFIE because our field offices process AOS quicker. It also seems to me that most of K1 AOS filers get processed quicker these days, compared to people adjusting from F1, J1 etc. My I-485 still says “approved.” I just received in the mail my updated SSN card with my married surname. I thought I had to go to SSA on my own to update my name once I receive GC on hand. Glad that I won’t have to do that anymore. Prolly because I had checked “yes” for question 16 “do you want the SSA to issue you a social security card?”
  7. Our I-485 just got approved too! Sharing timeline info below: Field office: St Paul, MN October 13: NOA 1 October 23: RFE asking for tax forms (we had only uploaded W2 forms and not actual tax returns) October 27: Biometrics scheduled November 2: RFE response received (I uploaded the evidence into myUSCIS account) November 16: Had my biometrics November 17: Case actively reviewed by USCIS December 14: Approval! Wishing everyone speedy approvals! I will go and enjoy not having USCIS in my life for a while hehe, especially since it had taken 16 months to get our I-129F approved🤓
  8. That’s amazing, congrats!!! Btw how do you get to a real agent on Emma? I can’t go pass the virtual assistant.
  9. SSA didn’t update my name in the SSN card, they told me to come back when I get my EAD/green card. Good news is I can still get my driving permit (though with my maiden name).
  10. Oh shoot… I just passed the knowledge test for the driving permit and they told me to change the name on my SSN card to my married name first before getting my permit issued. I’ll go to the SSA office tomorrow and see if they can update my name so that I can proceed with the driving permit. Not being able to drive is a big limitation in the Midwest🥲
  11. I never got that status. My status was “Rfe response received” then after my biometrics on Nov 16, EAD and AOS statuses turned into “case actively reviewed.” My EAD timeline was also estimated to be 2 weeks, but then last week it turned into “taking longer than expected.” AP status is still “case received,” no changes so far.
  12. It’s yes because the question asks if we (foreign spouse) are inadmissible in case we become dependent on government support. We are indeed inadmissible, we have to sustain ourselves on our own, and that’s why our American petitioners are asked to prove they can financially support us so that we won’t have to rely on public aid. The only categories to answer that question as no are asylum seekers, refugees, U-visa holders etc since they are allowed to benefit from government support and still maintain lawful presence. More info at https://www.uscis.gov/policy-manual/volume-8-part-g-chapter-3 Lol had to read the whole page (and some others) and ask around to find out the right answer when I was preparing the AOS package. I wouldn’t be surprised if some USCIS officers dont even pay attention to that question in the form and don’t issue an RFE, since a lot of people get it wrong but provide the required info in the affidavit anyway.
  13. Probably! That was a tough one, i had to do research for that question and I know a lot of other people got confused and selected no instead of yes.
  14. I can see my cases on MyUSCIS. Can you see them in the online case status tracker (https://egov.uscis.gov/)?
  15. Got the biometrics done today! In and out it was around 15 minutes. Field office is St Paul, MN.
  16. Wait, you can do your biometrics earlier by just walking in?😧
  17. For affidavit of support: Did you all submit the tax return transcripts you can easily download from the IRS platform? Those have my husband's name shortened and the first 4 digits of his SSN are hidden (the IRS website says they "mask information" to protect individual info). I wasn't sure if this would be acceptable or if we need to request from IRS a tax return transcript with unmasked information.
  18. They scanned all the evidence we sent (W2, paystubs, employment letter) - but as others pointed out we hadn't sent them the tax return transcripts so I'll upload those via the online platform. Apparently, W2s are only supplementary, USCIS primarily wants the tax return transcripts. If you don't mind me asking - why didn't you upload the evidence via the online tool first? I'm thinking of doing just that instead of the mail.
  19. I mailed the package on October 10. Got the notification SMS on October 17 but receipt date was October 13. Received the access code in the mail today. Hope this helps in terms of timeline!
  20. Thanks! After asking various Facebook groups and chats, this is the answer I received as well. We'll be uploading the tax return transcripts from IRS.
  21. We just reviewed their RFIE letter and I'm very, very confused. They say they couldn't determine whether the sponsor (my US citizen husband) is qualified but we are above the minimum requirement by far and did submit a lot of evidence. Perhaps someone can help me here. Here is our info. Husband works full-time for a company and makes 110k USD a year before taxes. Our household is just him and I, so 2 people. This is the evidence we submitted: - Official letter from employer that has his employment and salary details. - Paystubs from the last 6 months. - W-2 forms for 2022, 2021, and 2020 (he is above the cutoff in all). I don't think they lost this evidence since they uploaded the scans to our online account. We also have a mortgage and he has student debt. I don't think liabilities cancel income but maybe that's the case here? Or is it the W-2 forms? Should we submit another type of form instead (1040s maybe?)? We would appreciate some insights.
  22. Just got the online account letter and finally were able to add the case to our online account! We also found a copy of the biometrics letter under "Documents" and learned when I'll have my biometrics, which will be November 16. We were anxiously waiting for the letter in the mail to learn about the appointment date, but no need for that anymore
  23. The USCIS case tracker: https://egov.uscis.gov/
  24. 5 days ago the online tracker said "RFIE sent" for our I-485 application but we haven't received a letter to this day. Yesterday it turned into "Biometric appointment scheduled" I wonder if the RFIE notice was a mistake.
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