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Asante Maroon

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  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Vermont Service Center
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  • Our Story
    I met my fiancé on my first trip to Ghana. I grew up on the same street as a Ghanaian family for 20 years (my second family). I traveled with them to Ghana one summer for three weeks. A few days before I left Ghana, I met my fiancé in an internet café. We spoke briefly and I thought that would be it. My fiancé told his uncle’s best friend about me, who incidentally was very good friends with my “Ghanaian mother”, and who I was acquainted with since the beginning of my trip to Ghana. A visit was a arranged for my fiancé to meet me, but my sister and I left Ghana before my mother and niece did, because we had to return to school. Disappointed, my fiancé left his contact information along with a photo (just in case I did not remember who he was) with my mother to give to me.

    Needless to say, my fiancé and I corresponded by phone, text and e-mail VERY frequently. I planned a second trip to Ghana 6 months later. I stayed for 3 months. Our love was solidified, grew, and evolved into a very special thing and we decided to make it official!

    My family originates from Jamaica and some years ago through extensive research we discovered that our ancestry stems from Ghana. My family is specifically linked to the Ashanti’s who became known as Maroons once they entered Jamaica during the slave trade. My family has always been well aware of our Maroon heritage, but it was interesting to find out exactly what group of people the Maroons stemmed from.

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