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Sam Burns

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Everything posted by Sam Burns

  1. Yeah this might cause trouble if you search the forums, it comes up every time someone mentions unofficial ceremonies
  2. No your wife doesn’t need to know the nitty gritty (names, dates etc), it’s not an inquisition! Not every couple shines a spotlight on their previous marriages and it’s unreasonable to expect them to imho.
  3. Sorry you’ve been taken for a ride
  4. You’re a couple of foreigners coming on a vacation, you’ll be fine
  5. If you want to get turned down in your application then by all means include the bare minimum. If you’re serious about the process then include whatever you think would convince someone you’re serious.
  6. Uh no, you’re not the US government so no you can’t cancel her green card
  7. I definitely would not include game pics as evidence of being in a relationship
  8. There are other resources where you can find outlet, look up internations.org for a local branch near you. Also just do some reading about the process and things to think about as a new emigrant.
  9. I’m from NI, I had a similar experience and you will be fine.
  10. This process is not going to be fun then, taking the K1 route, since you won’t be able to work for months when you come over here, and you have to apply for three more things when you get here.
  11. Yeah no at this point I’d say it’s over Look up the sunk cost fallacy, why would you waste any more time with this person?
  12. Don’t trust the projected dates, join the filing group for your filing date and settle in for the long haul
  13. Get divorced asap, this guy is toxic. There is no saving this relationship, this man will destroy you if you stay with him.
  14. Jury duty is random selection so yes this is normal. I’ve only been called once in 22 years
  15. Unfortunately there’s always some side-effect with any medicine, doesn’t make the medicine bad.
  16. This whole post sounds like an antivax rant, is this a real account?
  17. We just supplied a bunch of photos, no context, and they were scanned in for the application
  18. Just have your husband use his card a few times so both cards show up on the statement. This is a very easy fix. Absolutely do not call that banker or go in, you do not need a letter from the bank. In fact I would report this person to the bank.
  19. Like the previous admin was a paragon of efficiency…
  20. Don’t overthink it, just write exactly what is in the birth certificate and if the form says to PRINT your answers then do that
  21. Deadly serious 😂, people trying to help will look at your profile etc and the harder someone makes it to help them, the less helpful responses can be…
  22. Do not include any receipts like this of any sort, it’s nobody’s business
  23. Looking through the process to go from driving here for a year on your original home country license to a US license just seems so crazy. Do we really have to get a physical, an eye test, a learners permit etc? Has anyone done this recently? Was this your experience too or am I being fed wrong information? Thanks!
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