Non-immigration and non-family lawyer here. As others have said, and based on the facts we have, the child is not a USC and cannot become one unless your friend is willing to execute the proper papers and stand before a consular officer. No family court judge can confer US citizenship or even compel your friend to jump through those hoops. Likewise, the child would not be entitled to US social security or Medicaid benefits.
Since your friend and Colombiana were never married, she has no claim to his house. Depending on what state he’s in, he may also have homestead protections which would prevent anyone (even a family court judge) from giving the house to Colombiana.
Your friend may well owe child support, and there are international laws in place whereby a US family court could enforce the child support orders of a Colombiana court - if Colombiana ever got such an order. I doubt a Colombian court is going to award her the king’s ransom (appropriate word for what she’s trying to do here) that she’s asking for.
Most importantly, and especially so in light of your friend’s government job, he needs to see a couple of lawyers (immigration and family). This will give him some good information, when knowledge is power. It should also give him some confidence and peace of mind. I wish him good luck.