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    shocksandaunyx got a reaction from ClemsonC in part IV, the big IR1/CR1 DQ'd message group...   
    After an 8 week wait after the interview, we finally got approval and passport back. He crossed yesterday and it only took 25 minutes. 
    Out of curiosity, does anyone know how long it takes to get SSN?
  2. Like
    shocksandaunyx got a reaction from From_CAN_2_US in part IV, the big IR1/CR1 DQ'd message group...   
    After an 8 week wait after the interview, we finally got approval and passport back. He crossed yesterday and it only took 25 minutes. 
    Out of curiosity, does anyone know how long it takes to get SSN?
  3. Like
    shocksandaunyx got a reaction from From_CAN_2_US in part IV, the big IR1/CR1 DQ'd message group...   
    Had interview today. They said everything looked good except we  didn't realize we had a copy of divorce documents rather than original. So they gave us a paper on how to courier it to them. They said it usually only takes 1-2 weeks for review and approval, but paper says 6-8 weeks. Does anyone know how long it usually takes once sending in the paperwork required?
    Oh and the process was literally the same as everyone else has stated. Show up, go thru lines, turn in paperwork, 5-6 questions and done.
  4. Like
    shocksandaunyx reacted to Canucklehead in part IV, the big IR1/CR1 DQ'd message group...   
    Hey everyone, just wanted to post some good news we received recently. We had originally submitted our I-130 on October 21, 2021. We heard back on March 21, 2022 (about 5 months later) that it had been approved! I updated our timeline as well so hopefully this will help keep the average waiting time estimates as accurate as possible!
    We are now beginning to look into the NVC steps. I've ordered all the CRCs from the countries I've lived in (I'm the beneficiary) and we are working through the other requirements now too. Will definitely continue to follow this thread and keep everyone updated as well!
    Also a side note: we heard back from the NVC within 2-3 days after we received our I-130 approval.
  5. Like
    shocksandaunyx got a reaction from gavinski91 in part IV, the big IR1/CR1 DQ'd message group...   
    Got our interview letter today. Interview date is April 4th.
  6. Like
    shocksandaunyx got a reaction from DamAk in part IV, the big IR1/CR1 DQ'd message group...   
    Got our interview letter today. Interview date is April 4th.
  7. Like
    shocksandaunyx got a reaction from From_CAN_2_US in part IV, the big IR1/CR1 DQ'd message group...   
    Got our interview letter today. Interview date is April 4th.
  8. Like
    shocksandaunyx got a reaction from mam521 in part IV, the big IR1/CR1 DQ'd message group...   
    Got our interview letter today. Interview date is April 4th.
  9. Like
    shocksandaunyx reacted to merovence in part IV, the big IR1/CR1 DQ'd message group...   
    Also received this morning, 11 Apr.
  10. Sad
    shocksandaunyx reacted to MiloPinkman in part IV, the big IR1/CR1 DQ'd message group...   
    So I am now skipped 3 times? what the hell? 
  11. Like
    shocksandaunyx reacted to cgy2cali in part IV, the big IR1/CR1 DQ'd message group...   
    Nothing for me either, they must not have gone out yet. Hopefully next week or even later today
  12. Like
    shocksandaunyx reacted to From_CAN_2_US in part IV, the big IR1/CR1 DQ'd message group...   
    Yes, hope they send it early next week.
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    shocksandaunyx reacted to affy in part IV, the big IR1/CR1 DQ'd message group...   
    Maybe still hope for next week!! Fingers crossed everyone ❤️ Sending positive vibes!
  14. Sad
    shocksandaunyx got a reaction from affy in part IV, the big IR1/CR1 DQ'd message group...   
    No  Maybe they didn't go out yet?
  15. Like
    shocksandaunyx reacted to From_CAN_2_US in part IV, the big IR1/CR1 DQ'd message group...   
    I carried a copy of the DS-260 I submitted with updates (changes since the submission) marked up in red. I meant to tell the CO during the interview, as I was advised by NVC and the consulate that the DS-260 must be up to date as of the time of your interview. However, when I brought it up to the CO, they didn’t care about it. Said “don’t worry about that.” (He had already told me I was approved at that point). I recommend to do what I did to be on the safe side.
    If employment information of the petitioner changes they need to update the i864 form and submit it on CEAC. Also all accompanying documents (W2s, tax transcripts etc). Carry the wet ink signed i864 with you at the interview if possible. Best to also carry offer letter, a letter from company saying the petitioner works there and holding what salary, and recent pay slips. I did this, but it wasn’t asked. The upload on CEAC was sufficient, but others have been known to be asked.
    If beneficiary’s job has changed, that would be an update on DS-260, as explained in my first paragraph above. No evidence is required, but I still carried my offer letter and my pay slips.
    My strategy was to carry anything and everything they could possibly ask for, knowing the exact requirements, but still over preparing. Remember, if any document they need is missing at the time of interview it can translate to additional wait times of up to 4-6 months. You don’t want that. Over prepare with documentation and organise them for quick access incase you are asked.
  16. Like
    shocksandaunyx reacted to PHM in part IV, the big IR1/CR1 DQ'd message group...   
    Finally received the Green Card exactly three months to the day of me entering the US!
  17. Like
    shocksandaunyx reacted to cdndesro in part IV, the big IR1/CR1 DQ'd message group...   
    Just sharing my experience on this, I had my interview last month and booked my medical 9 days prior to the interview with Dr. Lee in Scarborough.  Results were back in 4 working days and I know other who used the Dr. in Vaughn had their medicals not show up on time.  It could have been an anomaly or luck but just food for thought as you look at options.  I had originally booked in Scarborough and Vaughn but I cancelled the Vaughn appointment and now I am glad I did.  Like someone else said, no one can really tell what the time will actually be for the results at the end of the day. 
  18. Like
    shocksandaunyx reacted to From_CAN_2_US in part IV, the big IR1/CR1 DQ'd message group...   
    Usually It’s one batch a day. But the last round we saw letters trickling in over a couple of hours…
    Although you might not see an immediate resolution, I encourage everyone who has been skipped to:
    1. Call NVC at 7am tomorrow
    2. send NVC and email
    3. send MTL an email
    Let them know that you have noted people with DQ dates after yours having received interviews and request for an expedite.
    This hasn’t proven effective before. NVC refuses to acknowledge an error, but I think it might put you in their radar so they will make sure you won’t be skipped again.
  19. Like
    shocksandaunyx reacted to TSmith in part IV, the big IR1/CR1 DQ'd message group...   
    Recieved mine today too! DQ'd Jan 4. Interview March 14
  20. Like
    shocksandaunyx reacted to alphabetagamma in part IV, the big IR1/CR1 DQ'd message group...   
    I crossed the border last week and finally made it to PA. My wife was with me when we crossed the border in my Ontario plated car. The officer at the border just asked me to lower down the rear window to see what all we were carrying and then he goes - "I see you're moving permanently". Our car literally had no breathing space lol. It was overloaded tbh that after leaving back so much stuff. We weren't asked anything about what we were carrying else it would have been a disaster for me as I had no idea where I placed what. Then we went inside the office waited for like 15-20 min before we both were called and the officer verified my GC delivery address which I requested him to change. Then he just shared other relevant information like when will I get my GC and the passport stamp is going to be my temporary GC for an year. Later I asked him about importing my car, I was already carrying all the paperwork. He then referred me to another window where I submitted my paperwork and in return was given the originals back along with another form that I have to carry to PenDot office here in PA. And that is it. Overall it took like 40 min for everything and everyone was super nice at the border. It was nostalgic to be back driving on the roads in the US and the feeling of not moving anymore was just priceless. We also bought our own place and getting all settled now. Again, big thanks to all. This forum was so helpful. I will provide another update about the car import process once I visit the pendot office.
    * the only bad thing about this whole move was the cold snowy weather and it was extremely difficult with our cat to be in the car for a split journey of 3.5 hours over two days. But then everything comes with a price
  21. Like
    shocksandaunyx reacted to From_CAN_2_US in part IV, the big IR1/CR1 DQ'd message group...   
    Here's my detailed description of my interview experience:
    Interview experience:
    My appointment was at 9:30am. I arrived at the consulate at 9:15 and saw a REALLY long queue of people already gathered there. When I joined the queue they were still calling people with 8:30 appointments, so I knew we had a long wait ahead. There is no shelter for the queue outside, so come prepared for the  weather. It happened to be snowing that day and -10 degrees, but I guess that's still better than rain. They let people in one by one, as people from inside left, in the order of their interview slot AND their spot in the queue. I ended up being called in at 11:15.
    Once inside, they ask for your ID (I showed my passport), and ask if you are in compliance of all the COVID protocols of the province of Quebec. Then you go through an airport like security. I was carrying a tote bag/ reusable shopping bag with my documents in binders, my inhaler, phone wallet, a cardigan and a sanitary pad. I was wearing a parka, an analog watch and my wedding ring. All of this, except my phone, I was allowed to take with me upstairs. I was asked to put my phone in a locker. Note - No backpacks, laptop bags, even if there is no laptop inside. The lockers are not big enough to hold them and you can't take them upstairs. No electronics of any kind is allowed upstairs, even headphones need to go into the locker.
    I took an elevator to the 2nd floor where I was directed to go to window 6. Here you hand in your passport(s) and 2 photos. I gave my old passport explaining that was the passport in the name on my interview letter, and then gave the new passport, explaining it had my name updated to my married name. It was accepted, no hesitation, and I was given a slip with a number on it. I was told to wait for the number to be called on the screen and go to the corresponding window shown.
    The waiting room was crowded, almost all seats were taken. People were packed together with no physical distancing. There are water fountains and 2 washrooms (one was out of order that day).
    My number was called around 12:15 pm to head to window 8. The person at the window asked me my full name. Then asked who was petitioning me, and asked my husband's full name. Then they asked if this was my first marriage and also my husband's first marriage. They then took my fingerprints (digital). Next, they collected my original birth certificate, our original marriage certificate, and all the original police certificates from the various countries I have lived in since age 16. They didn't ask for any copies acknowledging that they see everything was uploaded on Ceac. My 2 photos were returned (not sure why they need 2 if they just take a copy), given the domestic violence pamphlet to read, and was told to wait for my number to called once again.
    Around 1:00pm, I was called to window 3, where my actual interview took place. It lasted about 5-7 minutes. They started by asking my name and then taking the oath. Questions:
    1. Who is petitioning me?
    2. When did I first meet my husband?
    3. Where did I meet him? (On a dating website, when I was living in Singapore)
    4. Which dating website? (OKCupid; then some encouragement for me to elaborate, to which I described in brief, our entire courtship)
    5. When did you get married?
    6. How did you arrange your wedding during the pandemic? (With great difficulty...but then elaborated)
    7. Who attended your wedding?
    8. What do you do for work? Is that what you intend to do after moving to US?
    9. What does your husband do for work?
    10. Why were you in Bahrain as a child? (My parents were there from before I was born)
    11. Why were your parents in Bahrain?
    12. At what age did you leave Bahrain? How long did you live in India?
    13. Where did you study in India? (Here we had a short conversation about they had lived in Bangalore for a few years and loved it; how one of their kids was born there.)
    14. How long did you live in Singapore?
    15. What did you do in Singapore?
    16. When did you move to Canada?
    17. How did you move to Canada? (Express Entry)
    18. In all the countries you have lived in, have you ever been charged with a crime or refused entry?
    19. In all the countries you have visited, have you ever been charged with a crime or refused entry?
    The interviewer was checking their screen periodically, and at the end of the questioning, I heard them express "oh" after some clicks. My heart stopped, but I guess it was a positive "oh," because immediately after they said, "Your visa has been approved". I couldn't hear anything they said after that in all the excitement in my head, except the words "2 to 4 weeks," as they handed me a piece of paper with instructions about receiving my passport back. No "Welcome to America" paper. They saw me hesitate, so they asked, "any questions?" I said I brought with me a copy of my DS-260 with updates marked up and they told me not to worry about it. So I thanked them and left.
    Everyone at the consulate were efficient, courteous and helpful. The queue outside could be better managed by security. There were no clear instructions given, and we had to figure out the plan by observation, and organise ourselves. Luckily all the applicants waiting cooperated with each other.
    I was out of the consulate around 1:20, so the entire thing took about 4 hours.
    I took VIA Rail from Toronto Union Station to Montreal Centrale and return.  Departed on the 8:32 train on the day before the interview and returned on the 16:56 train on the day of the interview. The return train (train 69) is somehow nicer than the onward train (train 62). I got lucky, as the trains were on schedule. Train station is a 7 minute walk from the consulate.
    I stayed at the Best Western Ville Marie. It was a 6 minute walk from the consulate, 13 minutes from train station. The price was affordable, and it sufficed for a 1-night stay, but if I had to do it again, I would spend $10/$20 more and stay at another place such as the Novotel. Best Western was clean, and staff was quite helpful. The rooms are renovated in the last 5 -7 years, but the HVAC is old. The corridors are old too. I am a light sleeper the noise from traffic on Peel Street kept me up almost the entire night.
    Places to Eat:
    I had breakfast at Boulangerie Au Pain Dore and lunch at Reuben's Deli and Steakhouse. Both good. Wish I had more time to try more food as the city seemed to have a lot of great places.
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