After USCIS approves the I-130, the case is sent to the NVC. After you're Documentarily Qualified at NVC, the case will be sent to the Consulate in Cuidad Juarez for interview. The Consulate can't issue the visa until the ban is over. So, you can go to the interview under 5 years, get denied, then try for a waiver. Or, say it takes 1.5 years at USCIS for the I-130 approval. Then, you can keep the case active at NVC like @pushbrk said by contacting them at least once a year, then as you approach your 5 year mark, submit your documents and get Documentarily Qualified which will then send your case to the consulate. I think Juarez is one of the longest waits for an interview (like 1 year) so you may not want to bother with the waiver.