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Everything posted by Devarj

  1. Don't know. Where can I find information on this? No, he currently holds a Vietnamese passport. Just trying to find out the next step in this process? Thanks fo your asistance
  2. Haven't recieved green card as yet. Arrived in USA November 2024.
  3. I, a USC, got my step son (under 18 years old) to the US on an IR2 visa. Currently attending HS and living in the US. His visa expires in two months. What are the next steps to get him extended? Are there forms to file? Thanks in advance
  4. Personally, I would rebubmit the documents at the DS 260 stage. There are specific headdings in the upload windows for those specific documents. For example, you click on the I864 tab to upload the required documents for I864, marriage certificates, other documents, etc.
  5. I included proof of support such as money sent for the child health and welfare (reciepts of money sent, debits from my bank account etc.). Also, submitted a letter stating that mother is an unmarried single mom and has had no contact with the father since birth and xxx years. Included required documents such as my divorce papers, translated marriage certificate, birth certificate of both child and petitioner, etc. Also, send photos showing my relationship with child. Actually, in country now awaithing the interview on 14 November after a two year process.
  6. Had lots of issues uploading. However, once I wrote a comment in the comment box my files were uploaded. I just wrote sinething as I864 attached. Not sure if it's a fluke but once I added comments the files were uploaded.
  7. Got it Used adifferent browser and different email Thanks
  8. Got our interview date from NVC. Went to portal.ustraveldocs.com/siteregister to register the account Continually get this error message. Names are entered as they appear on passport. Even tried different combinations (First name only, 1st and middle name, middle name only, etc.) But cannot register at the site. Can anyone assist as to what I can do? Thanks in advance
  9. Based on my expertience, albit in Vietnam, it is better to get married in country and file DCF. This is much faster than filing with USCIS while in the US. Filing in the US will take about one year for USCIS approval. On the other hand, perhaps not filing DCF is best for getting your financials and housing solidified in the US before starting the family life. I would create a budget for what you need to afford while family is in the US (school, housing, utilities, groceries etc.). Although your VA benefits will increse with additional family menbers, this is still quite expensive, so the year wait could be beneficial. Some options: Get a joint sponsor so you can meet the financial requirements and file the I130 DCF after marriage. 2. Get married in country, file the I130 with USCIS electrinically while in Cambodia using your brother's address. This will get the process started before you arrive in the US. Then move to the US, get settled, and wait for the approvals. Note that you're filing seperate I130s; so the timeline for each may be different (one approved while other is pending). Just wondering: since you're in the cyber security field, can you get employment in the US and work remotely in Cambodia? That may improve your situation.
  10. USC petitioner for stepson under 18 in Vietnam. Filed I130 March 2022. DQ at NVC on 13 June 2024 (over 2 years to get to this point). Any idea on how long is the wait for interview date at the Ho Chi Minh consulate in Vietnam? I know there is no definite timeline but any recent timelines and/or estimates would be beneficial. Any advice? Thanks in advance.
  11. I filed I130 in March 2022 for stepson. Approved April 2024. Now awaiting interview date. A very long process for some. Conversely, I filed CR1 for spouse via DCF in 2020. Got approval visa in 6 months. Perhaps USCIS figure I owe them some time from the quick turn on the CR1 and taking it back on my next petition. 🙂
  12. Simalar happened to me. I look at it as humor by USCIS. Finally approved after 2 years.
  13. We lived in Thailand. Stayed in Bangkok for one month, then moved to the beach for a month, back to BKK for a month, back to beach, then traveled and stayed to other parts of thailand. Then we moved to Vietnam. I listed every address if we stayed for a month or more. I just buld an excel spreadsheet transferred the information on a continuation page.
  14. The Timeline is useless. Mine went from 3 weeks to 4 months; from days to weeks etc.. Waited almost 2 years for USCIS approval. Always check the documents tab to see if they have sent you any documents.
  15. I sent: Proof of parents joint ownership Child Birth certificate Proof of my relationship to child (pictures together etc.) Proof of marriage to his mother Proof of my US citizenship Evidence of financial support to child Took awhile but finally approved and now awaiting interview date
  16. Same happened to me. Read the pdf approval document and move to the next phase. You will get an email from NVC soon with instructions. Congrats!
  17. Just got the petition approved from NVC a couple weeks ago. This was for my 13 year old stepson in Vietnam For the I130 We sent: Parents Joint Home Ownership in USA Completed I130 I130 Cover letter Evidence of Marriage to his mother Child Birth Certificate (translated) Evidence of Financial Support to the child Proof on my (USC) citizenship Proof of Step Parent child relationship (photos etc.) Parents Joint Checking Account and Home ownership STILL took a little over 2 years to ge to NVC
  18. So very true. mine went from 6 months, to two weeks, to 3 days to four months. Three months later approved I130
  19. I filed DCF in Vietnam, Ho Chi Ming City. We were living in Vietnam and I got a job offer in USA that required me to be there in 3 months. I filed an 1-130 an requested to expidete under exceptional financial circumstance. The !-130 process was approved and my spouse Sprouse recieved her visa within 3 months. In my letter detailing exceptional circumstance request , I discussed my financial and professional development need to accept this position. I also attached my employer's letter of job offer, my response letter accepting the position, and letter from the employer with a requested start date.
  20. use a continuation sheet and attach to the back of the form for any additional information
  21. I can't get back to that page since my docs were already submitted. There is a section after where you upload the files that say Comments (Optional). Middle of the page. I typed in that box and it uploaded.
  22. This did not work for me. Once submitted it could not be retrived. Fortunately I filled it out on paper b4 filling it out electronically. You may want to download the blank form and print it at FedEx or public printing place. I find that printing blank forms and filling them out before going electronically save me errors.
  23. I added comments in the comment section and was able to upload files
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